2 OCTOBER 1852, Page 21


• Tuesday, September 28. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Whitaker and Sager, Burnley, machine-makers-Bell and Campbell, Liverpool, merchants-Kay and Blackwell, Wharton, Cheshire, salt- manufacturers-E. and R. Oliver, Bcaminster, grocers-Edwards and Scott, Conduit Street, tailors-Ilskside Iron Company. St. Woolloa, Monmouthshire-Seaton Iron Company, WorkiWon, Cumberland-W. and T. Arkcoll, Westham, Sussex, farmers -James and Co. -Radford, Nottinghamshire, trirnming-manufacturers-Briercliffe and Co. Liverpool, button-manufacturers-Lawton and Co. 'funstall, plumbers- Wright and Co. Wigan. colliers:. as far as regards E. L. Wright-C. J. and J. Price, Holywell, grocers-Lund and Price, Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire, drapers -Hill and Co. Manchester, calenderers.

Basis.norrcv ANNULLED.-T. JENKINS, Tredegar. Monmouthshire, innkeeper. BANKIRIPTS.-THomAs RUSSELL and Joust MUSSIIOVE. Norwich, sack-manufactu- rers, to surrender Oct. 7, Nov. 8 : solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury; Miller and Sons, Norwich ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-WILLia31 MIL- NER 'HARKER, Little Moorfields, currier, Oct. 8, Nov. 8: solicitor, Roberts, Barge Yard Chambers ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-JAMES ROBERT COL- LETT, Princes Street, Hanover Square, milliner, Oct. 6, Nov. 6 : solicitors, Rutter and Trotter, Ely Place, Holborn; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-JOSEPH Wrivrsa, Holborn Hill, clothier, Oct. 2. Nov. 6: solicitor, Huson, Ironmonger Lane; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. DIVIDENDS.-0Ct. 1, Mahon and Mummery, Avery Row, Bond Street, paper- stainers-Oct. 20, Jackson. Liverpool, organ-builder-Oct. 20, Adams, Hanmer, Flintshire, cheese-factor-Oct. 21, Sherlock, Liverpool, wine-merchant-Oct. 21, Clegg and Whitby, Liverpool, merchants-Oct. 21, Jones, Chester, grocer. CERTIPICATES.-7b be granted, unless COWS be shown to the ....wary, on the day of meeting.-Oct- 20, Winch. Fountain Court, Strand. victualler-Oct. 20, Mopsey, Union Street East, ironmonger-Oct. 20, Brewer, Gloucester. victualler-Oct. 19, Jones, Wrockwardine, Shropshire, apothecary-Oct. 19, Williams, Wolverhampton, hosier.

Seinen Sentmernavross.-Halley, Denny, mason, Oct. 1, 29-Templeton, Campbel- town, merchant, Oct. 4, 25-3. and D. M'Arthur, Glasgow, provision-merchants, Oct. 1, 29-Chambers, Greenock, commission-agent, Oct. 4, 25-Wield, accountant, Oct. 4, 25-Somerville, Glasgow, wright, Oct. 13.

.Friday, October 1.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLTF15.-Perrot, jun. and Co. Liverpool, corn-merchants- Smith and Tobitt, Great Tower Street, ship-agents; as far as regards S. Smith-R. and R. C. Young, Gateshead, joiners-Yen and Sons, Plymouth. sail-cloth-manufac- turers-Sandbacli and Co. Manchester, hide-brokers--Smith and Emerton, Dover Place, New Kent Road, decorators-Goodman and Williams, Salford, joiners-Curr and Co. Sheffield, steel-manufacturers-Johnson and Co. Rainh ill, Lancashire, watch- tool-manufacturers; as far as regards E. Johnson-Greenhill and Co. Bury Street, St. James's; Hird and Co. Melbourne, Victoria, merchants ; as far as regards G. Greenhill-Bulcraig and Low, Leadenhall Street, ship-brokers-Burt and Filmer, Leith, coal-merchants-Hooper and Co. Exeter, builders-Wheelton and Buck- land, Bath Street, Newgate Street, packers-Rayner and Co. Liverpool, drysalters -Hutchings and Co. Great Grimsby, contractors ; and Wright and Co. Anaton, Yorkshire, quarrymen-Barlow and Co. Pilkington, Lancashire, dyers; as far as regards P. Brown-Briscoe and Co. Buenos Ayres. merchants-T. and J. Walmsley, Astiton-under-Lyne corn-dealers-Bayley and Co. Ipswich, ship-builders-Parsons and Watts, Nottingham, attornies-Gunnis and Crighton, Milk Street, warehouse- men-Twist and Kelly, Liverpool, engineers-The Aberdeen Town and County Banking Company; the Banking Company in Aberdeen. or Union Bank of Scot- land; Aberdeen lire and Life Assurance Company, now the Scottish Provincial As- surance Company; Northern Assurance Company ; Aberdeen Steam Navigation Company; Aberdeen, Leith, and Clyde Shipping Company ; the Gas Light Company of Aberdeen ; Aberdeen and Newcastle Steam Navigation Company ; and the Aber- deen Lime Company ; as far as regards the executors of J. Annand-Gunn and Bu- channan, Glasgow, tailors. Batok,aurrs.-ROnERT PITT, East Donyland, Essex, shipowner, to surrender Oct. 4, Nov. 19: solicitor, Abell, Romney Terrace, Horseferry Road; official assignee, Nicholson. Basinghall Street-WILLIAM PROSSER, Shoreditch, draper, Oct. 13, 'Nov. 12: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldennanbury; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Tnomas Wain) SHARLAND, Liverpool, tea-broker, Oct. 12, Nov. 9 : solicitor, Holden, Liverpool ; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-Enwean Tnomas BRAD- snew, Manchester, dealer in bricks, Oct. 13, Nov.16 : solicitors, Sale and Co. Man- cheater; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.-Ost. 22, Higginson and Deane, Liverpool, merchants-Oct. 25, Ash- croft, Liverpool, timber-broker-Oct. 23, Forster, Liverpool, filter-merchant-Oct. 25, Beirns, Liverpool, provision-dealer-Oct. 23, Wilton, Sheffield, linen-draper. CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, sinless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. - Oct. 22, Roberts, Chester, grocer-Nov.16, Lodge junior and Hope, Leeds, flax-spinners. DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.-Ellison, Liverpool, ironmonger ; first div. of Is. 2d. Oct. 13, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Morgan. Liverpool-Foulkes, Birkenhead, chemist ; first div. of 1.1. Old. Oct. 13, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Morgan, Li- verpool - Lloyd, Wrexham, hanker; second div. of Id. Oct. 13, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool. S (Oren SEqUiainiariON.-Wad dell, Carluke, Lanarkshire, wood-merchant,Oct. 5, 28.