2 OCTOBER 1858, Page 12



A decided improvement has this week been apparent in all departments of the Stock Exchange. English Securities are steadily and firmly progressing upwards, the rise since the opening on Monday Morning being nearly per cent all round. Consols were first quoted 971 97f, and are today 9 The increasing abundance of money in and out of the "Rouse,' the prospect of a speedy reduction in the Bank minimum rate of in- terest, with continued improved quotations telegraphed from Paris, contribute mainly to the present healthy condition of the Market. Stocks have likewise been supported by purchases made by the Go- vernment broker. Another cause for the advance on Monday was the failure of an operator whose transaction for a fall exceeded 200,000 Con- sols. The amount of bullion now in the Bank coffers is within 3,000,000 of the highest sum ever reached, this fact itself encourages the belief that still higher quotations may be looked for. Money has not been in extensive de.. mend and very low rates continue to be asked. India Debentures and Scrip are very firm at 99i 991. Consols, for Money and Account, 98.1 98k; at one time this morning there were buyers at 98k; for the November Account the last figure is 98k sellers.

There has been considerable animation throughout the entire week in the Foreign Security Market, most stocks being in demand discovering a scarcity in some of the leading descriptions. Turkish, Six per Cents, are firm at 97i 98; Mexican Bonds have advanced I per cent, the present price being 21i 21a ex div. A new Cbilian Four-and-a-half per Cent Loan of 1,200,0001. is expected shortly to be introduced to the public ; the present Six per Cent Stock is nominally 103 105 ex div ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 90 91; Ditto Three per Cents, 70 71; Buenos Ayres, 7779; Venezuela Active, 40i 41k' Grenada Active, 21 22; Ditto Deferred, 61 7'1.• Buenos Ayres Deferred, 17 18; Turkish Four per Cent Guaranteed, 104k 105; Turkish Scrip, 1 prem. The Account on Wednesday passed off satisfactorily, the only exception being the defalcation of the member above alluded to, but whose dealings were not heavy in this market. There has been a greater disposition on the part of the public this week to invest in Railway property ; several extensive purchases have likewise been made on speculative account, and the result has been an advance in value of nearly every description of Railway stocks and shares ; Great Western shows a rise of fully 31 percent; London and North-Western, 2; Midland, 2; Lancashire and Yorkshire 1k; Caledonian, 2; and Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 1 per tent. 'The character of the business doing has al- together improved; the markets exhibiting great firmness every day. Traffic returns, in many instances, are also reported much better, London and Brighton closes 110 111; South Eastern, 22 22k; London and South- Western, 951 96- Midland, 981 98k; French Shares have been steadily ad- vancing, they are somewhat flatter this afternoon owing to the arrangement for the settling on the Paris Bourse; Paris and Lyons, 3.51 351 ; Midi, 23i 231 • Orleans 56 58. The Atlantic Telegraph Shares are nominally belts', 4N 1.50 ; Red Sea Shares, f prem.

BARK OP ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the Week ending on Wednesday the 29t1 day of Sept. 1868. eases IMPARTMENT.

Notes issued 133,101,355 Government Debt Other Securities Gold Coln and Bullion Silver Bullion /33,151,355

139,101,355 111,015,100 9,459,900 18,626,355


Proprietors' Capital


Rest 3,700,995 Public Deposits. Other Deposita 8,886,870 11,513,876

Seven Days and other Bills


£39,482,689 Government Securities (Inclu- ding Dead Weight Annuity) £10,980,684 Other Securities 15,234,491 Notes 12,603,590 Gold and Silver Coln 664,124 £39,482,869 • Including Exchequer, SavIng-Banks.Comnlissioners of National Debt,& Dividend Acct.