2 OCTOBER 1858, Page 7


The old Irish habit of extravagance, under the name of hospitality, appears still to have its devotees. The Limerick Chronicle mentions a ease in point.

eA landed proprietor, who came of age two years ago, has been obliged to leave the country in consequence of his embarrassments. On attaining the age of 21 he bad 50,000/. in the bank, which he has got rid of, and accumu- lated debts since to the amount of 400,000/. He kept open house for high and low."

The papers announce the death of Mrs. Edmund Hayes, wife of the Soli- citor-General, which took place on Wednesday morning at Killincarrig House, county of Wicklow. Her death resulted from tetanus, and arose out of an accident which she met with about a month since, when her clothes caught fire, and she was dreadfully burnt before any effective assistance could be obtained. The deceased was about forty years of age.