2 OCTOBER 1886, Page 1

The newspapers of Berlin and Vienna are fighting furiously. The

Viennese complaint is that Germany wishes to gain all from the alliance and give nothing in return, and the Berlin retort is that Austrian and Hungarian journalists are democratic riff- raff. It is supposed that Prince Bismarck inspires the Berlin retorts, but that the Vienna attacks are due in part to patriotism, in part to the Jewish loathing of Russia, most Austrian journalists being Jews. The diplomatists, it is said, deny that any difference exists between Germany and Austria; but as they would deny it five minutes before a declaration of war, that does not amount to much. It should not be forgotten, however, that Prince Bismarck is a consummate dissembler on occasion, and that if he wished to tempt Russia into a foolhardi- ness, he would raise a grand paper war with Vienna, while winking at Count Kalnoky all the time. That is not a probable explanation of the newspaper controversy, but it should not be altogether left out of sight. " Necessity of defending our ally;" "England friendly ;" these would be strong arguments with the aged Emperor, who now resists every proposal which may lead to an armed conflict.