2 OCTOBER 1886, Page 2

On foreign and colonial policy, M. de Freycinet took a

lofty tone. " France desires peace ; she is resolutely and frankly debsrmined to have it ; but she will only have a peace which mete no loss of her dignity, and which entails no sacrifice of her rights. The principle from which we must start in pursuing that policy of peace is the safeguarding of our dignity and the respect of all our rights." In a word, "if security and honour require it, we must be ready to make all sacrifices." As regards oolonies, France will seek no more ; but "one is not free to abandon even possessions whose utility is contested." "A nation cannot abandon any colony or conquest without detriment to itself. Its only problem is to discover the most advantageous or least disadvantageous method of retaining them." That is plain enough as regards Tunis, Tonquin, and Madagascar.