2 OCTOBER 1964, Page 18


SIR,—At a recent meeting at the Victoria and Albert Museum it was decided to form a Costume Society with the object of bringing together costume his- torians, museum curators, private collectors, and all those interested, not only in the past dress of men and women, but in its present and its future.

The Society would confine its attention to civil costume, as there already exist several bodies con- cerned with military and naval uniforms. It' is in- tended to hold regular meetings at appropriate institutions throughout Great Britain, for lectures and discussion, and to publish a journal. It is not

intended at this stage to set up premises, but the Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum has kindly agreed that the Museum may be used as the Society's temporary address.

All those interested are invited to attend a public meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 13, at 7.30 P.m., admission free, in the Lecture Theatre, Vic- toria and Albert Museum (entrance in Exhibition Road). Details of the Society and membership may be obtained from the acting secretary, Mrs. Leslie Ginsburg, Department of Textiles, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, SW7. The meeting will be addressed by Mr. lames Laver, Mrs. Doris Langley- Moore and Mr. Charles Gibbs-Smith.

c I o Victoria and Albert Museum, SW7