2 OCTOBER 1971, Page 23


New Liberal peer to ex-Liberal peer

From Lord Avebury (formerly Mr Eric Lubbock) Sir. If the article by Lord Reay (September 18), represents his true opinions, which I have no reason to doubt, it is curious that he took the Liberal Whip for so long. He has something unpleasant or snide to say about most of his former colleagues, and I believe that most readers of his article, whatever their politics, will be nauseated by his personalities. There is nothing dishonourable about a change of party allegiance, but when it is justified mainly on the grounds of an attack on the qualities or antecedents of friends and associate of several years past, it leaves a very nasty taste in the mouth.

Lord Reay believes there is no longer any role for a party which puts moral responsibility at the top of its priorities. Perhaps it is true that politicians succeed largely according to their willingness to pander to racialism, material greed, and callous unconcern for the underprivileged. But we are Liberals because we attach greater importance to our principles than to the number of votes we get. If Lord Reay didn't understand that, he was never a Liberal in anything but name.

Avebury House of Lords, London SW1