2 SEPTEMBER 1837, Page 10


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, The Money Market has been in a languid state during the whole of the week. Console opened on Monday at 918 to 92 for the Account ; on Tueolay, they closed at 911; on Wednesday, they were at 911 to 911 ; on Thursday, at 911 to 914 ; and this afternoon, they are heavy at 91a to 911. The premium on Exchequer Bills has fallen from 46s. to 44s. In the Foreign Stocks little has been done. Spanish Active is 19,1 to 20; Passive, 41 to 5. Portuguese Five per Cents. are 394 to 406; Three per Cents., 253 to 268. Colombian aud Mexican Stocks are 246. Brazilian Bonds, 546 to 85. Dutch Five per Cents., 1028. Russian Bonds, 1118.

The settlement in the Foreign Stuck Market took place on Thursday : it was easily managed, money being obtained at a low rate of interest. The transfer. books in the Three and the Three.and- a Half per Cents. Reduced closed cm Thursday, previously to the payment of the Octirber dividends.

No business of importance has been done in the Share-market. London and Birmingham are at 48 to 50 prem. Great Western, 98 to 10 prem. South- ampton 16 to 15 die. Birmingham New Quarter Shares, 138 to 148 prem. Some dissatisfaction is expressed in the City at the non-ratification of the treaty with Spain for abolishing the exceptional duties on vessels from Gibraltar to Spanish ports. It seems that the Merchants at Cadiz have realm- atrated so strongly against the treaty that it lies at Madrid like a dead letter. The weekly meeting of the Bank Directors, held to.day, passed over without the usual notification that during the close of the Stock transfer-books money would be advanced on certain securities. It is surmised, that as the Bank rate of discount is still 5 per cent., and money is plentiful at 38, the Directors thought the announcement was unnecessary, and nobody would take advantage of the offer.


Stock has been rather more plentiful in the English Market for the last few days, and a slight decline in prices is the natural consequence. The refusal of the Bank of England to make the customary advances during the shutting of the books may have contributed in a slight degree to affect them. The massacre of SAARSFIELD (to whose reluctance to face a snow.storm Evalcs'i retreat from Heroani was at the period chiefly attributed) has caused only a trifling decline in Spanish. The price opened at 191 208, and has remained ever since at that quotatioo. In other Stocks we have nothing new to report.

3 per Cent. Consuls Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced New 34 per Cent. Anns Rauh Stock India Stock Ditto Bonds Exchequer 13 111, Belgian 5 per Cents.

91f 4 914 4 — 994 4 211 4 239 4 45 47 42 44 1021 31

Brazilian Slier Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Danish

Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts Ditto 3 per Cent. Russian (1822) 5 per Cent.108

Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent Deferred Stock Passive Ditto

844 5 52/ I 721 31 391 40 251 26 9ex die. 191 204 61 7 454