2 SEPTEMBER 1837, Page 4

About 900 objections have been made by the Reform party

to the names on the list of voters for the %Vest Riding of Yorkshire, in the Leeds polling. district ; and, from what we hear, we shwa suppe.e. much larger number of objections have been made by the 'lona against the Reformers, in the same district.—Leeds Mercury. The Reformers of Liverpool have attended with great spirit to the pre- liminary stages of the registration. We believe a greater number of ob- jections have been made this year than on any other occasion at the same time, Alr. Hart deserves the highest praise for the manner in which the

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's made out. Of objections, to voters for the borough, the Tories issse made 295, and the Reformers 511. The fagot-votes of the Tories, for the county, are much in the same situation ; the Reformers boring served 567 objections on the new and old claimants of this class. This is the only mode in wh;ch to fight the Tories, unscrupulous in the means they use to obtain their end : the Reformers cannot be too much on the alert in the Registration Court, which has hitherto been turned so much to the advantage of the faction.—Liverpool Telegraph. The Liverpool Times, a Ministerial journal, states that the Liver. noel election was lost in consequence of the Unitarian Town- Council Wing introduced the mutilated copies of the Scriptures into the Cor- poration Schools, as used in the Irish Schools of National Education. The late defeat of the Liberals in the Eastern Division of Cornwall it producing the earnest of a future victory. The farmers are taking the thing into their own hands—they are forming registration clubs in each parish, and objecting right and left of their own accord to all against whom there is the least ground. Ballot Clubs and Associa- tions and Unions will also be formed. The :milk of the electors is roused; and, by concert and union, they will hereafter prove too deter- mined—too strong to yield to the squireachy and their coadjutors in coercion and intimidation, the clergy.--Falmouth Packet.

An enormous number of objections were on Thursday served on both Tory and Reform voters for the county, in Portsmouth. Very needlessly, and very vexatiously, the Tories have served notices upon all Reformers where it happens that since the last year a new tenant rosy have come in occupation. The Act of Parliament speaks only of change of residence of the proprietor, and not change of residence of the occupier of the property ; for even if the property is unoccupied, the qualification is squally as good as if a rental were corning in Hampshire Telegraph.