2 SEPTEMBER 1843, Page 5

gortign an (Colonial.

FRANCE.—Louis Philippe and his family have had a narrow escape with their lives. On Monday, the King and Queen, with all the members of the Royal Family at Eu—namely, all but the Duke and Dutehess of Nemours and the Duke of Montpensier—ten in number, went out riding in a char-au-banc, a large open carriage, with curtains and seats across it, not unlike the pleasure-vans so common in London ; the carriage being drawn by four spirited horses with two postilions- " The party," says the correspondent of the Horning Chronicle, writing from Eu, "happened, in the course of their drive, to pass through Deport, a small fishing-village situated about two miles from this place; and it happen- ing to be the first time the Count of Paris visited that place, the loyal inha- bitants considered it their duty to do their future Sovereign especial honour on the occasion, and they accordingly saluted his Royal Highness with a jeu-de- joie. The guns were fired just as the carriage was approaching the neighbour- hood of a sluice with two draw-bridges which spans the Brexle, a small river, at the mouth of which the village of Treport is situated. Nothing could be more unexpected than the result. Immediately on the cannon being fired, the horses plunged and reared ; and coming immediately upon the second wooden draw-bridge, their alarm was so greatly increased that they blindly darted for- ward. The leaders sprung over the bridge into the water, breaking the chains in their course, and dragging the third horse along with them. At this mo- ment the danger of the Royal Family was extreme, and it is almost impossible to conceive how they escaped. The wheels of the carriage were within two inches of the edge of the bridge; and had assistance not been near, and the traces providentially cut, the carriage must have followed: fortunately the pos- tilion was enabled to acquire some command over the fourth horse, [by manag- ing to turn the pole of the carriage against a post,] and he did not follow. Had he done so, there could be no doubt of the result. Assistance, however, was hap- pily at hand, and the whole party were released from their perilous potation; not, however, before the traces had been with great difficulty cut, and the horses left to their fate. The three horses, of course, fell into the stream be- low, and were injured ; but both the postilions, I believe, escaped. I need hardly say that the alarm of the whole party in such fearful circumstances must have been very great. The Queen was much affected, and wept bitterly after the danger was over. The King himself acted with great presence of mind : he held the young Count of Paris in his arms, and refused to leave the carriage till every member of his family was placed in safety on terra firma." "The sluice where the accident occurred is built up on both sides with brick ; so that the whole has precisely the appearance of a canal-lock on a large scale; and the banks being perpendicular for a distance of about fifty yards on each side of the bridge, it is evident that, had the carriage fallen into the water, a very frightful sacrifice of life must have ensued, and the probability is that the lives of all would have been sacrificed."

The Prince de Joinville and the Doc d'Aumale arrived at Havre on Sunday morning at six o'clock ; and were received by the Mayor and the local authorities civil and military ; who attended them to the church of Our Lady, where they were received by the clergy. After hearing mass, the Princes repaired to the Frescati to breakfast. The Presse, Queen Christina's organ among the French journals, seizes the occasion of the young Princes' sudden return from England, to Make mischief- " The sudden departure of the Prince of Joinville and the Due d'Aumah has been the subject of numerous commentaries. The fact is, that no one ex-

pected to see them retake so soon the route to France. It is generally thought that the reception of Espartero displeased them, and they dreaded the pos- sibility of meeting the Spanish Regent in the English Queen's Palace. We are ignorant if such be the real motive of the Princes' sudden departure; but we prefer seeing them in France, to have them accept from England an hos- pitality which is given with such eclat to our enemies."

Among the guests invited to meet Queen Victoria at Eu, besides the King and Queen of the Belgians, who are staying there, are said to be Lord Cowley, British Ambassador at Paris, M. Guizot, and Queen Christina'

The Paris journals have been occupied in discussing the reports of Queen Victoria's intended vist to Louis Philippe, at Eu. Some specimens of the different views will entertain the English reader.

Journal des Dards (Ministerial)—" Trusting the news of Queen Victoria's visit to the King of the French, announced in the Times, may be confirmed, we shall confine ourselves to the expression of our sincere desire that so noble a spectacle may be given to Europe. We can truly affirm that the immense majority of the French nation would associate themselves in this circumstance with the sentiments of their King, and be happy and proud to receive on their territory the Sovereign of Great Britain." In a subsequent article, the Journal des Darts says—" What, then, are we to consider in this voyage, if it should take place, as we most earnestly desire? A high and significant mark of good-will which Queen Victoria and the King of the French are about to give to each other, in the name of the two power- ful countries they represent. We are far from regarding these demonstrations as useless. They strike the imagination of the people; they cement friendly amicable relations; they are, we may say, the symbol of that pacific civiliza- tion, which tends every day more and more, for the glory of our time and the welfare of nations, to substitute itself for the old civilization, or rather for the ancient barbarism of the laws of war. Queen Victoria will no more racrifice the interests and policy of her country than Louis Philippe will sacrifice those of France. The interview of the two Sovereigns will be viewed by all Europe as a guarantee of peace and union." Presse (Christinite)—" If Queen Victoria should set her feet in our territory, she is sure to obtain the hospitable reception of which she is so worthy. The French are a people who are acquainted with the courtesies of life, and can never be reproached with a want of politeness. As to the event in itself, it is certain that we must go back to a remote period in our history to find a similar occurrence. In this respect it is calculated to produce a certain sensation. If the Queen's visit be merely a simple exchange of civilities between the two Crowns, then hail Victoria! Gracious Queen of one of the first states of the world.

France in seeing you pass will accord you all the respect to which you are entitled as a woman and a Queen : but she will abdicate none of her mistrust—none of her resentments against the policy of your Ministers. This policy has furnished too many serious subjects of discontent for one of your smiles alone to disarm us."

Constitutionnel (Opposition)—" We receive this news with pleasure ; and, without sharing in the illusions of the Tory paper, that is, without thinking that this visit will advance by twenty years the reconciliation of the two people, we are nevertheless happy to see the good intelligence which exists between our King and Queen Victoria manifested so unequivocally. • * Being sincere partisans of peace, we will always welcome with gladness any- thing tending to maintain and strengthen it. Although in the balance of policy the personal relations of princes among each other have not the importance they formerly had, yet it cannot be denied that the causes of irritation between the two Governments will be weakened, or even disappear, according to the good understanding which may exist between the two Sovereigns. These are not all- powerful guarantees, but they must be taken into account a large share of in- duence being also left to the amicable relations between the citizens of both countries."

Sick (Opposition)—" If the projected interview between the Queen of great Britain and the King of the French take place, it can produce no good

result ; first, I, ,ause ihe English Cabinet will not permit such an event except far interested 1..urposes ; and secondly, because arragements will be made at this interview, naturally secret, which Ministers will hereafter have to sanction without perhaps approving them, solely for the purpose of protecting the Throne."

National (Republican) —" It should not be forgotten, that the inter- view between Henry the Eighth of England and Francis the First of France took place in the year 1520; and that in the beginning of the year 1522, not two years afterwards, Henry the Eighth declared war against tbe French King, already engaged in hostilities with Charles the Fifth. • * * If we must declare what we are afraid of, it is not precisely that England will declare war against us. The present Government certainly gives her no pre- text, and she should be blindly warlike to draw her sword against a country of which M. Guizot is the principal Minister : but what we fear is, that a treaty of commerce would be the result, in which England would take the lion's share, and consummate the ruin of our country." Commerce (Opposition)—" It now appears positive, according to the English journals, that the Queen of England is coming to pay a visit to the King, at She Chateau d'Eu. To this we can add, that on Saturday night an order was received by the Colonel of the Regiment of Artillery at Douai, to send off post, for Eu, forty gunners, with their cannon ; and on Sunday, in consequence of this order, they were sent off. It was stated at Douai, that these guns were for the purpose of firing a salute on the arrival of Queen Victoria. We know also, that a carriage of the Royal Household arrived yesterday at the Tuileries, from Eu, for the Queen's dresses and ornaments; and it is further announced that the King's private band is ordered to proceed to Eu."

Bram—The departure of the young Queen and her sister from Madrid, ostensibly for the Escurial, bad excited much angry conjecture in the capital. Handbills were hawked about the streets calling it "the abduction (el rapto) of the Queen"; and the general rumour was, that Narvaez and the military party designed to carry her to Pampeluna to meet her mother and the Duke of blontpensier. The Madrid papers of the 24th August, state that the Queen and her sister were then at La Granja.

• The approaching elections engaged the attention of the conflicting poli- &cal parties. The soi-disant "Parliamentary party," headed by Senor Olozaga and Senor Cortina, had issued a manifesto, hi which they de- clare that they will -respect the constitutional Throne and Parliamentary majorities ; and that the Throne must accept for counsellors those only whom the constitution renders responsible, and who represent the majority of the Cortes. The Moderados were silently weeding the Army and Rtiyal Guard of persons hostile to their cause. l'he "friends of Espaitero " had ash taken active steps. On the 20th, they held a meeting in the ball of the Spanish Institute ; and their Chairman, Senor Leal, read a programme of their policy for the attraction of the electors' support : its leading points were—first, the faithful execution of the Constitution of 1837; second, the Queen' minority until October 1a44; third, the national independence. In the course of the discussion, the assaliou of the President that the Ayacuchos had not been vanquished, but merely repulsed, was received with the most enthusiastic applause. After several speeches in vindication of Espartero's Government, the programme was adopted, and Commissioners were appointed to promote the interests of their friends at the next election The Barcelona journals state, that on the 18th August, the Munici- pality, the Junta, and the Commandants of the National Guard, met the Count de Reuss (Prim) at the Town-hall, and in his presence voted, almost unanimously, that for the interests and peace of Barcelona, General Arbuthnot, (the Commander of the citadel, whose treatment of the Junta had been more uncompromising than Prim's,) should be called upon to resign ; that Prim should be invited to take his post; and that General Echalecu, the Governor of Montjuich, should be left in the fortress. The French telegraph announces the completion of those steps on the 23d ; with the addition, that the Junta had dissolved itself, and that several of its members, with Prim's concurrence, had gone to Madrid to urge their views upon the Government.

A letter from Senor Celestino Garcia de Paredes appears in the Madrid Gazette, contradicting the statement of General Concha, adopted by the Government, that the Regent had carried off with him from the Puerta de Santa Maria ; the military chest of the army. The writer shows that the whole disbursements had been according to rule ; and he appeals to regular vouchers in the Paymaster-General's office.

hat:v.—The disturbance which broke out in the North of Italy appears to have been connected with a very extensive agitation : an in- surrection is said to have been prepared in the Papal States, Sicily, Na- ples, and Piedmont, for the month of August ; and the report that it had actually broken out at Rome and Naples caused open manifestations of the insurgent spirit in the province of Ravenna. Cardinal Spihola, Legate of Bologna, immediately despatched a column to Romagna, and at the same time adopted the measures necessary to prevent any attempt in his province. Some of the individuals most compromised by the violence of their opinions had endeavoured to place themselves in safety ; others, those especially belonging to the labouring classes, had thrown themselves into the country ; and as there were fears that they would organize themselves as guerillas, two detachments of Cara- bineers were sent in pursuit. Letters from Bologna, of the 19th August, bring news of an engagement between part of these troops, about thirty in number, and a body of rebels, numbering between forty and fifty, The Captain of the Carabineers and four of his soldiers were killed; the remainder, having no ammunition, made their escape. The insur- gents then entered Savigno, and caused the Secretary of the Commune, and two volunteers who were carry ing despatches, to be shot. It is saidothat other guerillas appeared in the environs of Vergado and Baz- zonThe Doke of Modena was collecting troops. His Police Ministers Ricci, had not only been dismissed in disgrace, but he had thought it necessary to fly and bide himself, as implicated in these troubles.

Austria was concentrating forces on Rovigo and Verona.

The King of Naples had also taken every precaution: lie had sent- a number of troops to Sicily, and had taken steps to fortify Messina and Syracuse.

SWITZERLAND.—The Morning Chronicle says that the question of the suppressed convents in the Canton of Argau is likely at length to come to a solution. Switzerland having mitigated its Ultra-Democratic spirit, Prince Metternich has ceased to be the active protector of con- vents. The chief uneasiness to German potentates is now the printing of works in the republic for sale across the frontier : thus 15,000 of George Herwegh's poems, printed at Zurich, have disappeared within a few weeks into Germany- " The North-eastern Cantons are daily growing, in reality, more liberal, for their manufactures and manufacturing population are .en the increase; the agriculturists becoming of less and leas relative importance. The iron-works at Zurich are assuming an extension which promises to render it the Birming- ham, not merely of Switzerland, but of South Germany. This, indeed, is the aim of the leading men, who look forward to a junction with the German Union, to which the Southern and South-western States are formally opposed. Hence the admixture of -firmness and moderation in the affair of the Argovian convents, the determination to reform and suppress them, joined to the care not to affront or alarm Catholic interests and Cgtholic countries. Indeed, there are many Catholic Cantons against the zonfents, Tessin for example ; whilst Protestant ones, such as Neufchatel, are for them. But Argon is now supported by the rich manufacturing Cantons of Zurich, St. Gall, and Exterior Appenzell. These advise Argau to restore the convent of HermetscJiwyJle, as a last concession, and to maintain the suppression of the remaining four. The Diet went to a vote on the 18th, and came to no conclusion ; eight ands half States demanding the reEstablishment of all the convents, and nine and a half declaring themselves contented with what Argau had done. But a suffi- cient number of votes to form the requisite majority have declared themselves ready to join the nine and a half contents, provided Argau restores Hermet- echwy lie. This Argon will probably do; and the long-disputed question will be set at vest."

SAXONY.—The King closed the Diet of Saxony, at Dresden, on the 21st August. He began by the remark, that the results of an important and laborious session proved how even the most difficult problems might be solved in peace and harmony— One of the most Important provisions in our constitution,-equal distribu- tion of all taxes on real estate, upon principles of perfect equality, and with justice towards those who have hitherto been exempted from taxation, has by the laws passed in the course of this Diet been fulfilled. By the law which exempts publications of more than twenty sheets from being subject to cen- sorship, the regulations of the press have been satisfactorily settled. Another legislative act will in future afford sufficient protection to literary productions and works of art. The laws on the subject of mortgages, of division of land, and of the credit unions, now as general as they are acknowledged to be useful, will largely contribute to secure and improve the prospects of the proprietors of real estate, and the relation between creditor and debtor. The projection of additional railways, which has so materially been encouraged by the present Diet, will open a new and wide field to our commercial intercourse, and espe- cially a much brighter prospect to our rich and extensive milling districts. By the sums granted for the use of the universities, classical schools, and poly- technic institutions, their utility will be extended, and the interests of the Church will be forwarded by the increase of the hitherto inadequate allowance to her ministers.

The abundance of the harvest is mentioned as removing one source of great anxiety.

NORM Ammtma..—The mail steamer Acadia arrived at Liverpool on the29th August ; having left Balifmc maim and,Boaton onlhq nth. The State elections were in progress, and created much interest as in- dexes of the probable result of the next Presidential election. The Whig party appeared to be gaining the advantage. They were also

considered to have achieved a preliminary victory in postponing the con- vention for the nomination of President, which the Democrats desired to hold in November next, but the Whigs have succeeded in fixing for May. The practical gain to the Whigs is, that before May the Democrats will probably be committed in Congress to the avowal of sentiments in favour of the Sub-Treasury scheme and high tariff, now becoming unpopular.

The " Genevese Traveller" who corresponds with the Times gives the following list of candidates generally named for the Presidency, placed in the neutral order of the alphabet— "Mr. Buchanan, of Pensylvania, late Minister to Russia, now a Senator of the United States.

"Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina, late Vice-President, now a Senator of the United States.

"Mr. Cass, of Michigan, late Minister to France.

"Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky, late Vice-President.

" Mr. Tyler, of Virginia, now President of the United States."

Mr. Cushing had at length sailed for China, from Norfolk, in the United States steam-frigate Missouri, by way of the Mediterranean and

Egypt, and thence by the Anglo-Indian steamers. He carried with him a very friendly letter from President Tyler to the Emperor of China. There is, however, an American claim against China, amount- ing to about 250,000 dollars for property destroyed, belonging to the American firm of Heard, Coolidge, and Co. of Canton, during the recent riots at that port.

The papers publish a letter from Sir John Morrillyon Wilson, a Bri- tish officer attached to Chelsea Hospital, to General Scott, which had

created a good deal of interest. Sir John was taken prisoner by General Scott, at the battle of Chippewa, in 1814; both captor and cap- tive were badly wounded; and being for some time fellow patients at Buffalo, an intimacy was formed between them. To his friend the British officer applies in a difficulty which he thus states— "The favourable impression I had received on passing through the different States of the Union in 1814, both in respect of their moral tone, of their in-

dustry and resources, and of the Saxon blood, which seemed everywhere

spurring them into active and honourable existence, induced me, in a credulous sae evil hour, to invest nearly all the money I possessed, viz. 7,5001., in New

Orleans Canal and Banking Shares and Mississippi and Indiana States Stocks ;

and now, alas, none of these three concerns pay their dividends. I have a wife and six children, and two of your musket-balls are still lodged in my body;

and under this pressure from without (as well as within) you will not be sur-

prised if I sometimes feel a little nervous about the interests of my family. Will you then, dear General Scott, pardon my writing to you, and inform me

whether or not, in your opinion, the Legislature of the above States are wanting in those high feelings of honour and honesty for which I gave them credit, or whether their present embarrassment has arisen out of unexpected difficulties, and that they had not sufficient time to meet their engagements? if you will be kind enough to give me your opinion on this subject, I know that it will be an honest one; and I shall therefore appreciate it.'

General Scott's reply is not published. After long and careful judicial investigations, the authorities of the Federal Government had declared their readiness to give up Mrs. Christina Gilmour, a woman charged with poisoning her husband in Scotland, to the British Police-officers who had been sent in pursuit of her A man charged with committing theft in Canada, and absconding to New York, had been claimed by the British Consul, under the provisions of the treaty-stipulation for the mutual Amender of criminals ; but the American authorities refused to surrender him : they drew a distinction between " theft " and " robbery " ; the treaty providing for the sur- render of persons charged with robbery," while " theft" is specified as the offence charged against the individual in question.

During the excitement of an election in Kentucky, a Mr. Clay (at first said to be the son of Mr. Henry Clay, but now proved to be no relation) made a most murderous attack on a Mr. Brown, a gentleman in

the Post-office department, in consequence of some political difference. The Madisonian says—" Mr. Clay assailed him (Mr. Brown) with a huge Bowie knife, cat out his left eye, out off his left ear, gashed his left shoulder six inches in length and one and a half in depth ; so that it is expected he will die." Another story is, that Mr. Clay only acted in self-defence ; a murderous assault having been made upon him by Mr. Brown and others.

Mr. R. P. Dowden, the Treasury clerk, had been tried on a charge of stealing Treasury-notes ; and, after six days' investigation, the jury signed the following verdict—" We, the jurors who tried Mr. Dowden, do acquit him fairly, fully, and honourably, and pray that the President ' may reinstate him in office." Two charges of forgery against the pri- soner were abandoned when the foregoing verdict was given.

The money-market is described as "easy." Exchange on London was st to 9 per cent premium ; on France, 5 25 to 37i. The cotton- trade was dull.

The reports of the crops in the United States and Canada continue to be exceedingly favourable.

Irregular hostilities between Mexico and its two revolted provinces continued. The Mexican war-steamer Guadeloupe is reported to have been taken by the Texans under Commodore Moore. Another account says she was only damaged by the batteries of Santamont. An English brig, engaged in smuggling, had been captured by some Yucatan gun- boats, and carried into Sisal.