2 SEPTEMBER 1854, Page 10

• Of Zb.ratrto.

-Sadler's Wells has reopened-with hir.Lovell'seregedy of the Provost of Bruges; a play which, though its existence was not long when ori- ginally produced, years ago at one of the••""large houses," has become a sort of stock piece at Islington. The grand play of the -season is in a state of preparation, and if report is to he trueted, will turn out -to he Cymbeline, "got up" with extraordieareessilendnur.

The annpuncement that the Adelphi would reopen in renovated con- , dition on the first Monday in September 'has not been repeated of Tate; whence we may infer that Mr. Buckstoneos; monopoly, as sole matter of the revels -to the Westminster playgoers; Will ihstlenger than Was at 'first expected. "The "'Spanish deneers°' haVepfoiedffiighTy-aftredtlie.

The St._ James's Theatre, -So Iodg--deretid to foreign art, ideate gives- signs of -coming life as an English establishment. -Mrs. Sumpter,. ties new directress, announeed that she will open'it; lafe this niodth, with a. drama by Meagre. Tom Taylor .and-Chetles,Reiade. • Tha tea& =tali*

Miss Glyn is said to be on tlui list of ellgag,ements. . •