2 SEPTEMBER 1865, Page 3

The former correspondent of the Times in the South writes

to that paper to contradict strongly the assertions made by its present able correspondent in the North concerning the treatment by the South of the Northern prisoners. Mr. Lawley, for lie signs his own name to the wade in the recent Fortnightly Review, has a happy art of suppressing the essential facts of the cam. He tells us what he saw in the Richmond prison, and tells us his own impression of its commandant, and he maintains that the sufferings of the Northern prisoners were entirely due to the disloyal refusal of the Government to carry out the agreement for the exchange of prisoners. He forgets that it was the refusal of the South to regard negro soldiers as prisoners of war which obliged the North to terminate the cartel. And he ignores entirely the in- disputable and published evidence given in the remonstrances of the Southern surgeons of Andersonsville against the needlessly cruel -treatment of their prisoners, and their insufficient food when food abounded, He forgets also very conveniently Colonel Child's (the Southern Commissioner's) published boast of the excellent bargain obtained in the exchange of the miserable starved Northern pri- soners for the healthy and fat Southern prisoners. Mr. Lawley's memory is of the partizan kind.