2 SEPTEMBER 1871, Page 2

The Viennese papers are trying to convince the world that

a league of some kind was arranged at Gaatein to which Germany, Austria, and Italy are parties. The Kreuz Zeitung endorses this rumour, and both intimate that the basis of agreement was a reso- lution to menace any power which threatened a disturbance of European peace. Such a league would, of course, be directed in the first instance against France, and a report that Russia approved it is angrily contradicted by St. Petersburg papers. No official evidence has yet been produced for this story, and some hints are given that the Emperor of Germany was not satisfied either with the policy or the bearing of his brother Kaiser. The Hapsburgs, indeed, the Emperor excepted, took pains to mark— by quitting Gastein during the Imperial visit—that they had not forgiven their expulsion from the Germany they once ruled.