2 SEPTEMBER 1876, Page 1

There is hope, we believe, that Mr. Gladstone will perform

his clear duty at this crisis, and lend his powerful aid to solidify the decision of Englishmen that Lord Beaconsfield shall go, and that Turkey shall suffer the only retribution possible for her conduct in Bulgaria by losing the direct government of the province. In a letter to the citizens of Hackney, dated August A—before Mr. Schuyler's Report had appeared—he says :—" But the manner in which the subject was treated by the head of the Ministry in

the House of Commons was so inadequate and unsatisfactory, that 1 cannot but think it well that the people should seek opportunities to speak for themselves, and should assist the Administration to judge whether it is right that by the re-esta- blishment of the status quo in Bulgaria, opportunity should be given to its governors for the repetition of the recent outrages, when they may see occasion." That is the definite policy to insist on. If a Turkish Pasha ever again bears rule in Bulgaria, the English people, who alone protect Turkish rule there, become directly participant in the horrors now continuing, and sure, as Eyoub Pasha's Bashi-Bazouks return baffled from Servia, to be exceeded.