2 SEPTEMBER 1876, Page 3

Brittany would appear to be slowly accepting the Republic. The

Comte de Mun, the clerical officer and orator, and the Prince de Lucinge, both of whom were rejected by the Assembly, on Monday presented themselves once more for election, the first at Pontivy and the second at Guingamp. The former, who in ability at least is an honour to his party, who was supported by all clericals and Legitimists and many Bonapartists, was returned once more, but with a ma- jority diminished by 1,000. M. de Lucinge, on the other hand, in spite of immense local influence, was rejected for the purely Breton district of Guingamp. M. Huon, Republican, defeated him, by exactly the same majority as the Prince had obtained at the previous election. It is clear from these elections that the constituencies do not always resent the action of the Assembly in invalidating their choice.