2 SEPTEMBER 1876, Page 3

The Episcopal Bishop in Minnesota, Dr. Whipple, has pub- lished

a letter in which he recommends the Government of the Union to abolish the system of tribal reserves, and make a grant of land to every Indian who will settle down upon it. He believes that this change will have the effect of preventing the raids of the white men upon the Reserves, which are the first cause of all Indian wars. That is sound, but would the Indians agree to cease to be hunters and becom. ..b-rieuiturists, which is the con- dibiam vf ruarvrauat property, because hunting-tracts cannot be demarked into recognisable lots? Would it not be easier to declare the Indians citizens of the Union, and then leave them alone, hanging them when needful, like white men? This has been the British policy in Canada, where the Indians are contented, quiet, and free, and demand none of all this elaborate governing. As it is, the Indians will be extirpated, which is no injury to the Union, —and extirpated by unjust violence, which is a frightful one.