2 SEPTEMBER 1882, Page 1


SIR GARNET WOLSELEY, advancing through the Land of Goshen, has fought the enemy twice during the week of which we have now the record,—once, when he was attacking, on the 24th and 25th (Thursday and Friday in last week), between Ramses and Mahuta, on the line of rail to Zagazig ; and again on Monday, when attacked by Arabi in force at Kassasin Lock, about four miles further on than Mahuta, on the same lino. In both cases, Sir Garnet's troops came off with a substantial victory and very little relative loss, though in the latter engagement, in which a picked regiment from Cairo led the attack, the fighting was much better than on the former occasion, our advanced guard being at first taken by surprise. Even the latter engagement, however, must rank only as a skirmish, when compared with great battles. Our casualties were some hundred killed and wounded at most, with a very small number killed; and though the losses of the enemy were much greater, that means not a battle, but a skirmish, notwithstanding that, like many another Skirmish, it had important results in opening the advance. On the side of Alexandria, we have at present news only of General Hamley and his division having left for the front, though whether the front means the old advance from Ismailia, or a new line of advance from Kantara, to the north of Ismailia, we do not yet know.