2 SEPTEMBER 1893, Page 25

Women Adventurers. Edited by Mini() Muriel Dowie. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—Miss

Dosvie has reprinted the original narratives of four " women adventurers." The fous are Madame Velasquez Otherwise Henry T. Buford), who served in the Confederate Army ; Hannah Snell (otherwise James Gray), who served as a soldier and sailor for five years, 174G-50; Mary Anne Talbot (otherwise John Taylor), who was present as a sailor at the

Glorious First of June;" and Mrs. Christian Davies, who fol- lowed her husband to the wars between William III, and France, under the name of Christopher Welsh. The editor thinks the first authentic, but is disposed to be doubtful about the others. Authentic or not, they were not worth republishing. Monsters, whether real or fictitious, should not be shown ; and these women were monsters, Nor does the editor's introduction add sensibly to the value of the volume. It belongs, we should say, to the s‘ Adventure Series," but is scarcely worthy of it.