2 SEPTEMBER 1938, Page 2

Easy Gains In a broadcast address this week General Teruzzi,

Under. Secretary for Italian Africa, talked more-sober sense than is customary in Official pronouncements- in Italy. Speaking on the possibilities of agrichltural settlement in the Italian Einpire, he warned his audience that the colonisation of Ethiopia would be a Slow and painful btsiitess (not only for the Italians, unfortunately) involving great struggle and sacri- fice. If the figures" he gave for colonisation in Libya are any criterion, Ethiopia will not contribute much to relieving the pressure on the Italian population. After 20- years of great efforts, which deserve every admiration, 1,733 families have been settled in that sandy desert. It might be added that the total Italian population of Eritrea is some 5,000. These figures, as General Teruzzi said, belong to the realm of truth, and not to " the mentality of easy gains " which accompanies new conquests. Can it be that Signor Mussolini himself fell a victim to that mentality, in the arguments he put forward to justify the conquest of Ethiopia ? In zo years' time it may be judged how many of his promises have been fulfilled. It is certain the Italians will make every effort to colonise Abyssinia. It is equally certain their efforts will have an insignificant effect on the size of Italy's popu- lation.