30 APRIL 1831, Page 12



APRIL 213.—This day the following gentlemen were adrai lie.: degrees Bachelor ix Direnity—ncv. E. P. New, Fellow of St. John's. ,1".irts—Rev. A. L. Kay, Brasennose ; Rev. E. Riley, Lincoln ; G. C. Letet-i, fair; Lurch; W. H. Sur- ma'', and G. limes, Trinity. Barhe!,rs of Arts -J. Fisher a, J. Mytton, Brasen. nose ; W. Croy, C. Jame, .1. Tootilt, Exeter; W. IL I.inenln; G. F.

Fowle, Balliol ; 13. Hemming, Magdalen Hall; T. W. ei it, Pembroke; H. James, Worcester; J. E. hick ley, W. H. Boulton, and W. i'. Trinity ; C.

H. Alston and E. It. Berens, St. Mary Ilall ; A. Perkins and W. R. Parker, Oriel; E. Mariann, Wadhatn.