30 APRIL 1881, Page 2

The West Cheshire election is au encouraging one for the

Liberals. It ended in the return of the Conservative candidate, Mr. Tollemache,—who will " seriously consider" the Irish Land Bill,—but the Liberal vote increased from 4,008, given to Mr. Cornwallis West at the general election,to 4,418; and the Tory majority was only 382, instead of 627. Moreover, the correspond- ents of the Liverpool Post affirm that this iucrease of Liberalism has been almost entirely among the farmers, the Tories having gained round Birkenhead, which is peaetrated with the special Toryism of Liverpool. Mr. Tollemache succeeds a Tory, and the election therefore is only important as an indication of farmere' feeling; and, according to appearances, the county, a Ten"- stronghold, has become increasingly Liberal since Mr. Gladstone came into power.