30 APRIL 1892, Page 31


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your review, in the Spectator of April 23rd, of Dr. Weatherly's book, "The Supernatural," there is the following passage :—" On the exposure of Dr. Slade, Mr. Maskelyne dwells with pardonable complacency, inasmuch as he was called as an expert in the case, and performed Slade's tricks in the witness-box." Not having read the book, or Mr. Maskelyne's part of it, I do not know if the above statement, that Mr. Maskelyne "performed Slade's tricks in the witness- box," appears therein, or is only a mistake of your reviewer's. But, having been professionally engaged in the case, I do know that it is simply and wholly untrue.—I am, Sir, &c., 124 Victoria Street, S.W., April 25th. C. C. MASSEY.

[Our reviewer was speaking strictly by the book. Mr. Mas- kelyne states explicitly, on p. 195 of Dr. Weatherly's volume, that he was called as an expert in the case, and performed Slade's tricks in the witness-box. Mr. Maskelyne should take some notice of Mr. Massey's statement.—En. Spectator.]