30 AUGUST 1834, Page 1


The main object of the German rulers, and we may add of Louts PHILIP, appears to be to make the people contented without the possession of political freedom. To this end, a very considerable portion of the money collected by taxation is expended in internal improvements: justice between man and man, not between the government and its subjects, is strictly administered : efforts are made to diffuse useful education, not touching on politics, among all classes : the affairs of government are economically and prudently administered, by Austria and Prussia at least, if not by Louis PHILIP, one of whose favourite instruments is corruption.

Now, the tendency of this system is to prevent or postpone all popular outbreaks or violent struggles for political freedom. But it will eventually make the acquirement of liberal institutions a matter of certainty. Advancement in civilization is an advance- ment towards liberty; and a long time will not elapse before it will appear that the nations of Europe have been serving an ap- prenticeship to freedom, though under arbitrary masters, who will put off their day of enfranchisement as long as possible. In the meanwhile, those shrewd observers of passing events and the spirit of the age, METTERNICH and ANC ILLON, are playing the best game for themselves and their Sovereigns. The present system may be made to last their time, though a perseverance in it is effectually working the downfal of their successors' arbi- trary power.