30 AUGUST 1834, Page 8

The Pope has just promulgated throughout his states regulations concerning

public executioners, their assistants, and their wives. They prescribe the cut of their clothes, the hours at which they are allowed to appear in public, and the places and churches they are permitted to frequent. Among other characteristic marks of this fraternity, they are required to carry a black stick, wherewith to point out the ob- jects they are desirous of purchasing.—French Paper.

The ancient and formidable fortress of Montgatz, in Hungary, was destroyed by lire on the night of the 27th July. The tunes burst out about eleven o'clock, at the northern angle, and spread with such ra- pidity, that in a very few hours every part which was combustible 1.vas consumed. All assistance from without was impossible, from the situ- ation of the castle, which was seated on a steep isolated rock. A great number of valuable works of art have perished; but fortunately no Eves were lost.

The last number of the Journal of Courland and Livonia gives an account of a tire in a great moor, caused by the long drought. Thou- sands of people were employed in digging ditches to arrest its progress; but it frequently happens, that the moor behind them begins to burn, the fire rising from the earth having probably spread at a lower depth ian the bottom of the ditches. The drought has done irreparable da- mage to the crops of every description in Courland. Streams that never before were dried up, are now wholly without water ; so that very few mills are able to work, and in some parts people must take their corn thirty English miles to get it ground. There has been no rain of any consequence since the spring : if any fell, the sun and wind soon dried it up.

The Ministers are getting dinners t,:ven them all over the country. We a sh, instead of dinners, some place would be patriotic enough to give them their deserts.—Figaro.