30 AUGUST 1845, Page 10


A1RIVED.—At Gravesend, 24th Aug. Coromandel, Fraser, from Calcutta ; 25th, Men, Waddell, from Hobart Town ; General Hewitt, Hart, from Sydney; Persian, Edington, from Madras; and Port Fleetwood, Vidier, from the Cape; 26th, Dawson, Carder, from Launceston; Java, Parker, from Singapore ; Eden, Parsons ; and Duke of Wellington, Duncan, from Calcutta ; and 27th, John Bartlett, Bartlett, from Mauritius. In the Downs, 27th August, Palestine, Sim, from Sydney. Off Weymouth, 28th, Bromleys, Knox, from Algoa Bay. At Liverpool, 23d August, Commodore, Croal, from Calcutta ; 24th, Ingleboro, Rea ; and Mary Somerville, Johnston, from Calcutta ; and Champion, Cochrane, from Bombay ; and 25th, Earl Fowls, Wilson, from China. At Cork, 23d August, Bride of Abydos, Hill, from the Cape. At the Cape, llth June, Mona, Law- son, from London. At Hobart Town, 3d April, Ann Maria, Taylor. from London. At Launceston, 3d Apnl, Indian, Payne, from London. At Sydney, 12th April, Caledonia, Batsmen, from London.

SAILED.—From Gravesend, 22d August, True Briton, Consltt, for Madras ; 23d, Tudor, Lay, for Calcutta; 26th, Lady Kennoway, Avery, for 3Iadras; 27th, Prince of Wales, Hopkins, for Calcutta. From Liverpool, 23rd August, Annie, Sharp, for China ; 24th, attitude, M'Dowell ; and Dlarmion, Fletcher, for China ; and Gertrude, Brown, for Calcutta ; 25th, Aurora, Henderson ; and Mersey, Boyd, for Calcutta ; and 28th, Lind Althorp, Elliott, for China.