30 AUGUST 1879, Page 21

A Gossiping Guide ito Wales. By Askew Roberts. (Hodder and

Stoughton ; Oswestry, Woodall and Venabltte.)—To review a guide- book properly, it is necessary that one should be able to write ono. Who else is qualified to check the author's facts P All that we can pretend to pronounce upon is the form of the volume now before us, and here we can only give our own opinion. This is, that a guide- book should be sternly practical. Sentiment and fun we can find for ourselves ; what we want is practical information, about inn accom- modation, distances, chances of sport, &o. We do not moan to say that Mr. Askew neglects these important matters,' only that, in our judgment, the guide would have been better if it had not been -"gossippy." But tastes differ ; and indeed, there is a certain reason in providing reading which shall be suited to the mental con- dition appropriate to a tour.