30 AUGUST 1902, Page 2

On Tuesday Lord Roberts made one of those simple, manly,

and at the same time felicitous, speeches to which he has accustomed us,—speeches which mark his sound sense and his clear knowledge of English public opinion. Speaking at Canterbury in reply to the gift of the freedom of the city, be declared that public criticism is the spur which urges men in responsible positions on to supreme efforts. How much nobler and wiser that is than the tone of those who regard criticism as an insult, and imagine that one cannot be grateful for the splendid services of our generals and soldiers unless one indulges in perpetual eulogy. Of Sir John French, who also received the freedom of the city, Lord Roberta said that he was " successful in every operation with which he was entrusted." That was a truthful and well-merited description, but we must never forget that it applies with equal force to Lord Roberts. No keener eye than his ever traced the lines of battle, or, saw more quickly and more certainly where the enemy could best be struck or, where our force most needed strengthening. While Lord Roberts was in the field himself there was not, a position he did not tarn or take, and there was not an operation personally directed by him that failed. And while the history of war records few generals so personally successful, it tells us of none in whom was joined more perfectly the man of kindliness and humanity with the keen soldier, the good citizen with the great com- mander.