30 AUGUST 1935, Page 28


manufacture of and traffic in arms is 'at present being inquired into by a Royal Commission. A gobd deal of sense and a good deal of something less than sense has been written on the subject, and more of both will be. But actual documents are a wonderful corrective of too ardent emotions. •For that reason the League of Nations Union has Performed an extremely useful service in publishing in a two- shilling volume, under the title Documents on the Traffic in Arms, a collection of all proposals and reports on this subject issued at Geneva in the last fourteen years, together with the earliest references of all—those embodied in the Treaty of Versailles. One of the earlieSt reports incidentally puts in the right light the widely circulated allegation that a League Committee in 1921 charged armament firms generally with a wide variety of improper actions. What it did actually was to enumerate, without passing any judgement on them,' a number of current criticisms of such firms. That is obviously a very different matter. Taking in .documents issued as late as March 1st this year, the volume forms a reference book indispensable to all students of the arms traffic problem. .