30 AUGUST 1940, Page 12

SIR,—I have to admit the force of Dr. Matthews' able

rejoinder, and to confess that it should have been obvious to me that minority opinions cannot be inspired by God, but must emanate from some sinister origin.

With regard to the genuineness of the pacificist's vocation, it can scarcely have escaped Dr. Matthews that the discrepancy which here exists between his own views and the teaching of the Church, as expressed by the Archbishops, bears implications of the utmost gravity. I am confident that I speak for all your readers when I express the hope that, through the prayers of all devout Anglicans, the evil spirit which is afflicting the Dean may rapidly be exorcised, and that very soon he may happily be able to resume his public duties.—Yours faithfully, JOHN W. CROFTS. 7 Grierson Square, Edinburgh, 5.