30 AUGUST 1940, Page 14


Sim,—The letter that you published last week under the title " War Aims " is useful and illuminating. That there can still be anyone who can complain that nobody has told him what Hitlerism is shows that there is a class of people who still do not read the newspapers or listen to the wireless but are nevertheless groping for guidance about the most elementary affairs of the world. The danger of such a class, however small they may be in numbers, is illustrated by the later suggestion in the same letter that " it is much better from every possible point of view to go to war against neutrals and small Powers " than to subject them to our contraband controL The naive suggestions in the last paragraph about setting the world to rights at the peace treaty suggest that it might be worth while to publish and circulate information on the kind of complexities which defeated the statesmen after the last war, and the lines on which they worked.