30 DECEMBER 1837, Page 12


TIIE Sacred Harmonic Society had a performance of the Messiah in Exeter Hall last night. The Hall, as usual on these occasions, was crowded to suffocation, by a most attentive and even enthusiastic audi- ence. They go there for the sake of music, not of fashion. The choruses were stupendous ; the instrumental band was good ; the solo. singing so-so, with the exception of BRAHAM'S " Comfort ye my people" and" Every valley," which he delivered with his unrivalled and inimitable greatness of style, and with unimpaired vocal power. Miss Itstiseownt sang well enough to make us regret that she did not sing better. She is a girl of' uncommon talent ; but a theatre, with the situation of an actress and singer of all work, is a bad vocal school.