30 DECEMBER 1911, Page 16

[To THE EDITOR OF THE firECTATOE."1 SIR, —With regard to "

H. T. F.'s " letter in the Spectator of December 23rd, is it quite certain that "Under Weigh" is wrong F A ship is certainly " under w--," as far as the "Rule of the Road" is concerned, directly her anchor is " a' weigh " (would H. T. F. report " anchor's away I) "). I know the " Rule of the Road" uses the term " under way," but it also has to lay down that a ship can be " under way " with " no way on her." Perhaps, however, these "rules " were made out by simple sailors who, when once they put pen to paper, are not always in their proper calling, as, for instance, seamen (I use the term in its best sense) have written " knots an hour," and it is not uncom- mon to see the term even in newspapers, &c., devoted to

nautical affairs.—I am, Sir, &c., S. C.