30 DECEMBER 1911, Page 2

The Temps and Figaro of Tuesday discuss the possibility of

disputes over the new Franco-German Treaty. One doubtful point refers to the ownership of the islands opposite the junction of the new Cameroons frontier and the river Congo. The second refers to the length of the new frontier on the rivers Congo and Ubangi. If, as the German Foreign Secretary has said, the German frontier is to reach the middle of the river Congo, Germany would certainly claim the islands within that line. France, it is understood, is not inclined to allow the new frontier to go further than the bank, but no diplomatic conversations on the subject have yet taken place. Probably such conversations will be unnecessary till the frontier is actually delimited. The treaty provides for the arbitration of a third party in case of a deadlock. As to the length of the new frontier on the rivers, it is said that Germany already claims more than the treaty assigns to her. As the Times correspondent suggests, it may be that the Germans are reckoning the length of the frontier according to the indentations of the banks.