30 JANUARY 1841, Page 19


WAR-OFFICE. Jan. 26.-19th Light Drags.—Capt. the Hon. W. Byng, from the 29th Foot, to be Capt. vice Kitchener, who exchanges. 2,1 Foot—Ensign T. J. D. Reed to be Lieut. by purchase, vies, Moore, who retires; E. S. Smith, Gent. to be Eusigu, by purchase, vice Reed. 19th Fout—Assist..Surg. R. Smith, from the 21st Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Williams, promoted in the 59th Foot. 21st Foot—J. Richardson, Gent. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Smith, appointed to the 19th Foot. 224 Foot—Capt. B. M. Ball, from half-pay, of the 724 Five. to be Capt. vice A. Campbell. who ho ex- changes ; Lieut. N. S. Gardiner to be Capt. by purchase, vice Ball, who retires ; Capt. G. Maiawariug, from the 87th Foot, to be Capt. vice Kidd, who exchanges. To be Lieuls. by purchase—Ensign W. Somerville, vice Lucas, who retires; Ensign C. P. J. Stopford, vice Foster, who retires; Ensign G. R. Coles, vice Gardiuer. To be Ensigns by purchase-41. E. Blake. Gent. vice Somerville; J. I'. Pereeval, Gent. vice Stopford ; It. Perloyfather, Gent. vice Coles. 29th Foot —Capt. H. H. Kitchener, from the 13th Light Drags. to be Capt. vice Bylig, who exchanges. 30th Foot—Limit. Hon. J. H. Percy to be Capt. by purchase, vice Waymouth, promoted; Ensign P. Bayly to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Percy ; J. H. Keogh, Gent. to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Bayly 99th Foot—Lieut. J. P. Meik to be Capt. without purchase, vice Stean, dec.; Ensign W. T. Bartley to be Lieut. Nice Meik; Gent. Cadet J. G. Bolton, from the Royal Mil. Cull. to be Ensign, vice Bartley. 52.1 Foot—Lieut. G. Campbell to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hale, who retires; Ensign C. F. Wedder- burue to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Campbell; R. R. Pelly, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice-Wedderburue. 54th Foot—E. S. Docker, Geut. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Everard, dec. 59th Foot—Assist.-Surg. T. Williams, M.D. from the 19th Foot, to be Sorg. vice J. G. Hilbert, who retires upon half-pay. 74th Foot—Ensign J. W. De Butts to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Willington, who retires. 80th Foot—Car. R. Macdonald. from balf-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice Jacob, promoted. firth Foot—Capt. .1. M. Kidd, from the 22d Foot, to be Capt. vice Mainwaring, who exchanges. 91st Foot—Sergt.-Maj. J. Gordon to be Quartermaster, vice W. Barfoot, who retires upon half-pay. 3d West India Regt. —Colour-Sergt. A. Macdonald, from the 89th Foot, to be Quartermaster, vice Shaw-, dec.

Unattached—Brevet Major S. Weymouth, from the 30th Foot, to be Major. by pur- chase, vice T, Atkius, who retires; Lieut. S. Harrison, from the 98th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase; Lieut. R. Macdouald, from the 80th Foot. to be Capt. with- out purchase. Hospital Staff—Deputy Inspector General J. Murray, M.D. to be Inspector-General of Hospitals, vice M'Leod dec.; Assist. Inspector B. Nicholson to be Deputy In- spector-General of Hospitals, vice Murray. Brevet—Capt. B. Bail, of the 2i:it Foot, to be Major in the Army. Commissariat—To be Deputy Commissaries General—Assist.-Commis.-Gen. L. Pennell; Assist.-Cummis.-Gen. W. H. Robinson. To be Assist.-Commis.- Gen.— Deputy-Assist. Commis.-Geu. C. Howard. To be Deputy Assist. Commissaries General—Commis, Cierk H. W. Pima; Commis. Clerk W. G. Laidley; Commis. Clerk M. W Darling ; Commis. Clerk E. Strickland; Commis. Clerk T. W. Goldie.

WAR-OFFICE. Jan. A.-69th Regt. of Foot—Lieut. P. Fenwick to be Adjt. vice Kearney, who resigns the Adjutancy only ; Geut. Cadet C. J. Carmichael, from the Royal Mil. Coll. to be Eusigu, without purchase, vice Sowers promoted. 724 Foot— Limit. W. Rattray to be Capt. by purchase, vice Fisher, who retires ; Ensign W. H. Seymour to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Rattray; F. Brandling, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Seymour. 74th Foot—W. Miller, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice De Butts, promoted. 77th Foot—F. N. W. G. Colletou, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice &abeam, promoted in the 97th Foot. 79th Foot--Lieut. C. Skene to be Capt. by purchase, vice Gordon, who retires; Ensign H. M'Neal to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Skeue ; J. Robertson. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice M'Neal. 96th Foot—Lieut. H. Belstead, from half-pay 89th Foot, to Lieut. vice Mackenzie, promoted; Ensign F. Pierce to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Belstead, who retires; 11. Lambert, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Pierce. 97111 Foot— Ensign J. D. Brahazon, from the 77th Foot, to be Lieut. without purchase,vice Giveen, deceased. Mitt Foot—Ensign S. K. Colby to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Yea, who retires; F. Peyton, Gent. to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Colby.

Unattached—Lieut. the Hon. E. A. W. Keaue, from the 2d Foot, to be Capt. by purchase. Hospital Staff—Staff-Surg. J. Elliott to be Deputy Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals.