30 JANUARY 1858, Page 11


STOCK EXCHANGE, FELO tY The Consol Market opened on Monday with a heavy aspect, at a decline of 6 upon Saturday's latest quotations, and under the influence of- several speculative sales fell an additional per cent during the day. Throughout tbe week there ham been little animation in the market, el- tho* there bane been dallyituctuations ef, and 1 percent. Money has been very easy, and the expectation of a reduction yesterday in theBank minimum rate of interest helped to keep the demand for accommodation exceedingly limited. The BankeDireebars yesterday decided upon towering the ,rate from 6 per cent, at whieh ithad been fixed on.the 15th, to4 per cent. The English Market had been buoyant in anticipation:alb° measure; but shortly after its announcement, Consols became heavy, and declined per cent, upon various unfavourable and absurd rumours. The entire business of the week has been of a most trifling character, and the upward movement seems for a time to be checked ; still there is at. present no ap- parent cause for a fall, and the market generally recovers itself after every temporary decline. Today there has been little stirring. Consols 95e 951, and-for March. 954 951; Exchequer Bills, 20 24 prem.; Redaced, 954- 95.; Bank Stock, 224 226; India Stock, 221 223. The Foreign Market has been remarkably quiet this week, prices generally remaining about the same. Turkish Four per Cents have risen 1 per cent, but there is no alteration in the Six per Cents. Mexican Bonds are steady at 20/ 21. Buenos Ayres Stock keeps in demand, the recent arrangement of the Debt being considered'satisfactory. Sardinian Stook maintains the late rise, but the new -Victor Emmanuel has been done 1.8 IOW 118 3 dis. Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents leave off at 7880. Buenos Ayres, 96 98 ; Vene- zuela Active, 31 33; Spanish Three per Cents, 41 42; Spanish Deferred, 251 26. Considering the exceedingly low 'rate for money in this market, it is surprising that so little business is doing. The Railway Market, after some slight fluctuations, closes geod at an ad- vance in most Stocks and Shares. Great Western have risen 1, London and North-Western and London and South-Western 1, and Midland 1 ecr cent. Transactions have, however, been chiefly in connexion with the fortnightly Account, settled today. Caledonian Shares are also quoted 14 higher-464 46e. London and Brighton close good, 106 108 ex div. ; Great Northern, 26$ 244 • Eastern Counties 12 12.1 ; Midland, 961 96; Seath-Eastern, 224 221; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 934 941. Contaugos have ruled light this Account.

There is little recovery from the late depression in either French or Indian Shares. East Indian, 108 109; Great Ineian Peninsula, 214 211; Madraa 20/. Shares, 21 211; Paris and Lyons, 341 344; Northern of France, 374 384; Paris and Strasbourg, 274 28.


The Bank return of this week gives an increase in the stock of bullion of i 962,909/. The English Market s steady this morning at last night's quota- tions—Consols, 956 961. Railway Shares are firm.


There is no change in the Funds; scarcely a bargain has been effected ; the market, however, closes firm. Railways arc rather flatter, but the business doing is unimportant. Certificates of the Bahia and San Francisco Railway were allotted this morning : the shares are I prem. Caledonian, 931 ; Eastern Counties, 60; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 93k; London and North-Western, 1014; North-Eastern—Berwick, 974; Ditto York, 84; Grand Trunk of Canada A Issue, 464; Great Indian Peninsula, 211. Joint Stook Banks—English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered, 19e ; London and County, 31; London Joint Stock, 30; London and Westmin- ster, 46; Provincial. of Ireland, 60' Union of Australia New, 194; Union of London, 231. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace, 14 ; Australia, Mall Steam, 65.

3 per Cent Consols 951 951 Ditto for Account

95, 551 3 per Ceut Reduced 95 51

New 3 per Cents

051 9ba

Long Annuities 2 1,16 1 Bank Stock 224 226 Exchequer Bills 22 26 pin.

India Stock 221 223 Austrian 5 per Cents 00 93 Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 103 Belgian 41 her Cents 96 98 Chiller] 6 per Cents 102 104 Danish 5 per. Cents 101 103 Danish 3 per Cents 83 85 Dutch 21 per Cents 841 65' Ditto 4 per Cents 991 1001

Mexican 3 per Cents

201 21 Peruvian 41 per Cents 78 80 Ditto 3 per Cent 53 Si Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853. 44 45 Russian 5 per Cents ' 109 111 Ditto 41 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents 41 42 Ditto Deferred 251 6 Sardinian 5 per Cents 88 90 Swedish 4 per Cents 80 3 Turkish 6 per Cents 98 99 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 1041 51


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 272h day of Jan. 1868,


Notes issued g29,983,340 Government Debt X11,016,169

Other Securities 3,449,900

Gold Coin and Bunion 14,608,30






Proprietors' Capital 414,553,000 Goveriment Securities (inclu-


ding Dead Weight Annuity). £9,287,520 Public Deposits' 3,248,893

Other Securities

21,047,480 Other Deposits 18,170,568 Notes 9,419,630

Seven Days and other Dills—

863,487 Gold and Silver Coin 790,334

Z40,644,074 £40.544,074 s

• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.

Ate meeting of wool-dealers at Bradford, on Monday —the Mayor in the chair,—it Wats repolved,to shorten the credit given in the trade from five to three months, and the cooperation of spinners and manufacturers was re- quested. The London and Brighton Railway Company met on Thursday, to receive a report and declare a dividend. The only points of interest in the dis- cussion were on the proposed branch from Steyning to West Grinstead, and the subscription to the -Victoria Station scheme ; but eventually both pro- jects were sanctioned unanimously. The Victoria station will require a sub- . cription of 450,000e from the company ; but it will give a West-end terminus considered of immense importance, only a few hundred yards from Bucking- ham Palace.

The dividend of the Great Southern and Western Railway of-Ireland is lobe at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, with a balance of 18,0001. to be carried forward.

The dividend of the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Batik, is to be at the rate of 6 per cent per annum ; 15001. is to be written off pre- liminary and building expenses, 26551. to be added to the reserve-fund, and 3000/. carried forward to cover low by a fraud at Melbourne.

It appears from the report presented to the meeting of the National Dis- count Company, on Wednesday, that after putting wide 11,000/. to meet bad debts, the profits admit of a balance of 31261. being carried forward. The Directors state that the capital is intact, and they expect from this period an improved state of things.

The shareholders of the Northumberland and, Durham District Back have appointed liquidators to wind-up that mismanaged concern. The deeire -seems to be to anauge everything as quietly as possible, at the expense of the .shareholders, rather than get into the nreshee of the bankrupt law. It is understood that the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, and /se Great Northern Railway Companies, have agreed to propositions for a ruttlement of differences with the London and North-Western, and to put an end to the competition at excessively tow rates for goods and passengers which has been going on.

CRYSTAL Pakaes.—Return of admicaions for six days ending Friday . January 29th, including season-ticket-holders, 20,718.