30 JANUARY 1909, Page 11


A History of India. By E. W. Thompson. (Christian Literea ture Society, Madras.)—This is iutended, in the first place, for students proceeding to the matriculation examination of an Indian University. The Indian student often appears as an element in the "unrest " of the day, and we are told that the education of India is one of the causes which bring it about, Hero, at least, there should be something of an antidote. A plain story of what India has been under other rules and what it is under the British raj should have this character. Hero is a little story from Rajputana. Krishna Kamari, daughter of the Rana of Thlaipur, was betrothed to the chief of Jodhpur. He died, and she was promised to the Maharaja of Jaipur. But the new Chief of Jodhpur claimed her hand ; the betrothal, he maintained, was to the throne rather than to the person. A war broke out, and peace was ultimately made by the arrangement that the girl should drink poison. And this WAS loss than a century ago ! Is it impossible that such things might happen again if our rule came to an end?