30 JANUARY 1932, Page 34


I believe that not a few readers of the Spectator have read with appreciation the admirable book by Sir Ernest Senn, entitled Account Rendered (Beim). More, perhaps, than any book which had previously been published, it brought home to the layman the harm inflicted upon the general economic position of the country, and, therefore, on every taxpayer by the orgy of extravagance in the National Expenditure. I am very glad, therefore, to learn that Sir Ernest is now busily engaged on the preparation of another volume dealing with the economic situation, and I believe that it will have very special reference to international prob. lems as represented by Reparations and War Debts, as well as to the importance of continuous and progressive economy in the National Expenditure in this country. I do not know when Sir Ernest's labours are likely to be completed, but his new book will undoubtedly be awaited by a large number of readers of his previous work, as well as by many whose interest in Sir Ernest Beim's views on the situation were quickened by his broadcast address in November of last