30 JANUARY 1948, Page 27

"THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 462 [A Book Token for

one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week February 10th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word " Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.)


1. In his case it sounds as if the reckoning were not carefully calcu- lated. (6, 5.)

9. " Must we all march ? Yea, two and two, - fashion " (Shake- speare). (7.) 10. He takes to the road in London. (7.)

11. Sable shirt (anag.). (10.)

12. Neither up nor down, it seems. (4.)

14. Liking a lot. (5.) 15. No flagon becomes standard. (8.) 17. He rode Tudor Minstrel in the Derby. (7.)

19. Zeal's corrupted. (5.) 22. Unspiked ointment. (4.)

23. Tweedmouth legislation for shipping ? (7, 3.)

26. I'd take the stern of a wrecked canoe. (7.) 27. " The beauteous scarf - an Indian beauty " (Shakespeare). (7.) 28. Paradoxically slips on maps will dis- close it correctly. (7, 4.)


1. Forceful .ld malefactor made with a fist. (5.) 2. It provides shade " where heaves the turf in many a mould'ring heap." (7.)

3. Stingy and remote, like sources of news. (4, 3, 3.) 4. An Irish league. (6.) 5. The emperor is confused when full of wine. (8.) 6. Is the water fastened ? (4.)

7. Foreign saint introduces a sudden change. (4, 5.)

8. She has rather more than Basil and less than Isabella. (6.)

13. Wordsworth was concerned with that of Margaret. (10.) 14. Oil danger (anag.). (9.)

16. The little more finally. (8.)

18. Not many folio a bad dog at this time. (6.)

20. Dobson. (7.) 21. Turn of Dick but not Mr. Dick. (6.)

24. " Home art gone and ta'en thy - " (Shakespeare). (5.) 25. Jungle journalists ? (4.)