30 JANUARY 1971, Page 8

Carnival in Conakry

Describing the event as 'a carnival' Radio Conakry (Conakry being the capital of the Francophone African state of Guinea) an- nounced that fifty-eight of the ninety-two people condemned to death after an at- tempted insurrection by seaborne invasion last November, were publicly hanged in various parts of the country. The radio added, 'People spat on those hanged, and stoned their bodies'.

It wouldn't have happened in Rhodesia, or in South Africa; but, then, they do not speak much English in Conakry, and they are black, so it doesn't matter.

I read this in the Guardian—to which I convey my congratulations. For the first time since I stopped working for it, I now find I pick it up before the Times--a very sure test, this, of comparative quality. Despite its wrong-headedness, it is resuming its proper place as our best newspaper, alas.