30 JANUARY 1982, Page 16


Sir: It would never occur to anyone vi.itti charity that Richard Ingrains was belligd anything other than ironic when he sliPPe., into the gruesome parlance of the prim antic smoking lobby with phrases like ‘t):6 hideous smelly object between his lips' January). Dr Miriam Stoppard is not on smug but is part of the super-smug elite pounding nauseating and trendy aunt smoking propaganda of the So You Wa. To Stop Smoking and the So You Thin You Know About Health genre.

Naturally I expected Mr Ingrams to men'

the latter Stoppard vehicle and to P°sif the question that perhaps television nse might be harmful to us, but I was cloaPv. pointed. I can only conclude that your Ts critic is himself in danger of becoming television pet with his goody good sneer ae the innocent pursuit of smoking. If tl situation doesn't improve I shall be forced to cease borrowing your otherwise excellent journal.

Jonathan Howarth

Matching Vicarage, Harlow, Essex