30 JULY 1859, Page 6


All the Paris papers of Monday published the following version of the preliminaries of peace, signed at Villafranca. They quote it from the Maycnce Journal, and profess to give it with due reserve. It has been accepted as probably authentic on this side of the Channel, and its terms agree with the account of the arrangement which we have received our- selves from trustworthy sources.

"Between his Majesty the Emperor of Austria and his Majesty the Em- peror of the French it has been agreed as follows :— "The two Sovereigns will favour the creation of an Italian Confederation. "That Confederation shall be under the honorary presidency of the Holy Father.

"The Emperor of Austria cedes to the Emperor of the French his rights over Lombardy, with the exception of the fortresses of Mantua and Pes- chiem, so that the frontier of the Austrian possessions shall start from the extreme range of the fortress of Peschiera, and shall extend in a direct line along the Mincio as far as Grazio ; thence to Scorzarolo and Luzana to the Po, whence the actual frontiers shall continue to form the limits of Austria. The Emperor of the French will hand over the ceded territory to the King of Sardinia.

"Venetia shall form part of the Italian Confederation, though remaining under the crown of the Emperor of Austria. "The Grand Duke of Tuscany and the Duke of Modena return to their States, granting a general amnesty. "The two Emperors will ask the Holy Father to introduce indispensable reforms into his States.

"A full and complete amnesty is granted on both sides to persons com- promised in the late events in the territories of the belligerent parties. "Done at Villafranea, the 11th of July 1859."