30 JULY 1870, Page 3

As usual of late years, the first benefit of the

war falls to the share of Italy. Instigated partly by a desire to get finally rid of an unendurable burden, partly by the hope of an Italian contingent, but chiefly by the certainty that the Revolution, with the secret -sympathy of all Italians and all Protestants, world precipitate itself on Rome, Napoleon has ordered the evacuation of the city. Infallibility must take care of itself. The Italian Government is 'requested to protect the frontiers of the States of the Church, and will of course do so, and on the first entente in Rome march in and restrain the Revolution. Once in, the Pope must either reconcile himself with Italy or depart to Malta, and will probably accept the second alternative. Within one month of the declaration of the dogma, it is probable that the Papacy will for the last time quit Rome.