30 JULY 1921, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sui,—I beg to thank you for your words in a recent 11313110 commending the scheme to place in Winchester Cathedral a canopied statue of St. Joan of Arc. The cruelty and super- stition of the English, the treachery of the French, that com- bined to send to the stake the maid—patriot, heroine, saint— make an ugly chapter in the history of England and of France. Rome has canonized her as a saint, and France has appointed an annual festival in her honour. Some act of reparation is due from us, and with this object in view a committee has been formed to place her statue, designed by Mr. J. N. Comper, over against the Chantry of Cardinal Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, who sat among the judges that tried her and who kept the key of her prison cell. A sum of £500 is required, of which about £120 has been contributed. Any contributions, however small, will be gratefully received. The project has the warm approval of the Bishop and the Dean. Joan of Arc appealed to the English to become the allies and not the enemies of France. Her prayer has at last been answered, and the blood of England shed for the defence of France has atoned for former sins. But the enemies of peace and goodwill are busy sowing the seeds of suspicion and distrust. It will cement our feelings of fellowship and goodwill if -we place amongst the famous men of history, who look down upon us from the walls of our ancient Cathedral, Joan, the Maid of Orleans, France's most popular saint and heroine. Contributions may be sent to Miss Rimington, Beaufront, Camberley, or to myself.—I am,