30 JULY 1932, Page 28


The latest Report of the English Sewing Cotton Company for the year ending March 31st last is a thoroughly good one. Last year it will be remembered that to pay the dividend of 10 per cent. an encroachment had to be made upon the balance carried forward. This time, however, the profits cover the dividends and the usual allocation to Pension Fund, the net profit being £254,664 against £226,522 for the previous year, and after paying the dividends and allocating £5,000 to the Pension Fund the carry forward of £81,093 is practically the same as a year ago. Moreover, the balance-sheet shows a strong position, and among the assets the general investments increased by nearly £60,000 at £1,323,000, while the amounts due by Subsidiary Companies have been reduced by £145,000. * * * *