30 JULY 1965, Page 10


From: Geo. IS. Assinder, F. Bowes-Hunter, Colin Legunt, Eric Lubbock, MP, C. D.. P. 'Cover, Sir Denis Brogan, G. M. Lee, Aaron Wright, Farouk Husain, David Crane, John Papworth, Robert E., Walters, G. A. S. Dibley, Harry Cohen.

British' Car Exports

Sta,—Apropos Sir Donald Stokes's article about car exports, may I ask what sense there is in this frenetic export activity 'if it means, that the home consumer cannot get delivery?

I have been waiting five months for a well-known car of the 1,600 c.c. class. There seems little hope of delivery in the near future, so that one course open to me is to cancel the . order and put my name down for a 1966 model. The other course is to buy a foreign car, which is likely to be more reliable anyWay. If the efforts to export deprive the home consumer so that he imports a car, just what good does the whole absurd activity do ex- cept to raise the prices?

Windywalls; Little Hallingbury,. Nr. Bishop's Stanford, Herts.