30 JULY 1977, Page 17

Exit Heath and Wilson?

Sir: It is curious to have, in the same issue of the Spectator (16 July), your contribut'or John Grigg advocating a statutory incomes policy, and your contributor George Gale convincingly demonstrating the childishness of such a policy.

Your many readers who remember with admiration and gratitude the splendid stand made by the Spectator against British membership of the Common Market must be increasingly irritated, now that the tide is so clearly flowing in favour of our leaving the Market, by Mr Grigg's persistent proMarket and pro-Heath attitudes. He had much be.tter make up his mind to the facts that Mr Heath, like Sir Harold Wilson, has made his final exit from popular esteem,

and that we are on the way out of 'Europe'. Irvine Gray 24 Lloyd Square, London, WC1