30 JUNE 1832, Page 10

ABERDEENSIIIRE.—Sir Michael Bruce has announced his intention of opposing Captain


AYRSIIIRE.—Mr. Oswald, of Auchincruive, has again offered him- self. He must succeed this time.

BERWICKSIIIRE.—The candidates are Captain A. Maitland and Mr. Charles Marjoribanks.

CUPAR.—Sir Ralph Anstruther has started on the Tory interest ; the Reformers will support the present member for the district of which Cupar will now form a part, Mr. Andrew Johnston, without expense.

DUMFRIES DISTRICT or BURGIIS.—Mr. David Hannay, of Carlin- work, has taken the field. He is a stanch Reformer.

DUMFRITSSHIRE.—It is reported that Lord Stormont intends to stand for Dumfries under the joint influence of Earl Mansfield and the Duke of Buceleuel!

EAST LOTIIIAN.—Lord Elcho and Mr. Hope junior, of Luffness, are talked of. Sir David Baird is busy canvassing.

EDINBURGH.—Mr. Abercromby (the Lord Chief Baron), it is said, will certainly stand.

FALKIRK.—The Honourable Augustus Murray, son of Earl Dun- more, and Mr. Forbes, of Callender, are candidates.

GREENOCK.—Sir M. Shaw Stewart has announced himself. Cap- tain Houston Stewart has been invited to stand.

INVERNESS-SIIIRE.—Mr. Macleod, of Macleod, is again to oppose Mr. C. Grant.

INVERNESS DISTRICT.—The Reformers have already met at Inver- ness' and entered into strong resolutions ; a Ministerial candidate is already in communication with them.

KILMARNOCK.—Mr. Dunlop, of Dunlop (an officer in the 1st Foot Guards), has offered. .

KIRKCUDBRIGHT.—Mr. R. C. Ferguson will be again returned. There is no other candidate for the stewartry.

LANARKSHIRE.—The Marquis of Douglas will be proposed. PERTFL—It is rumoured that Mr. Stuart Wortley will come forward for this city.

PERTHSHIRE.—Sir George Murray has come forward with a very lengthened address to the electors, the plain English of which is—" I have done every thing in my power to prevent you from attaining to your present privileges, but as you have got them in spite of me, I pray you exercise them in my behalf." Let Falstaff's answer be that of every new elector-" I'll see thee damned first."

BOXBURGHSHIRE.-Thr Honourable Captain George Elliott, R.N., will offer himself; Sir W. Elliott also, in accordance with a pledge given at the last election.

STBILINGSHME. -The Honourable Admiral Fleming is spoken of as again to oppose the sitting member.