30 JUNE 1832, Page 11


Sm JAMES Har.t.-This eminent philosopher expired in Edinburgh on Saturday last, and his death extinguishes one of the last of a bright constellation of genius and science which marked the commencement .of the present century. Sir James Hall, who devoted himself from his earliest years to the cultivation of science, and became eventually the President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, was the friend and companion of Playfair, Wollaston, Davy, and of all the other promi- nent names of the day.- Times.

M. Dupin senior, has been elected a member of the Academie Fran- cruse, in the room of the late Baron Cuvier.

The Royal Court of Lyons has decided that the appellation Carlist, applied to a functionary bound by oath to the present Government, is an injurious libel, and as such punishable in the eye of the law.

A letter fram Aleppo, dated May 4th, states that Ibrahim's efforts to subdue Acre have proved in vain. He has left a corps of about 12,000 men to prosecute its siege, under the command of Ibrahim Junior, Abess Pacha, and Soliman, and proceeded through Tripoli with a corps of 10,000 men in the direction of Horns and Hainah, where the Pacha of Aleppo, Mehmet Pacha, is encamped; and having been joined by other Pachas, his forces are now said to amount in all to 25,000 men.

A domiciliary visit took place on the 20th instant, at the convent called the Maison Rouge, at Angers. The Duchess de Bern was supposed to have taken refuge there. The Captain of Gendarmerie had drawn up the nuns in a row, and was inspecting them attentively, one after another. "I see," said the Superior at last, "that you think the Duchess of Berri is concealed among us."-" Yes, Madam," an- swered the soldier, "I thought so ; but I see my suspicions are ground- less, for you are all devilish handsome."-Constitutionnel. The appointment of Sir James Macdonald to the Chief Commis'. adonership of the Ionian Islands, has conferred a short-lived and fruit- less honour. Sir James died on Thursday night. He had been long in a declining state.

. Sir Charles Bagot has, it is stated, been recalled. This is another good symptom.

The India Gazettes of January last, announce, as a fact beyond all doubt, that the" Earl of Munster had been appointed Governor-General, and that he had even appointed his Secretary. It is not improbable that be had. We suppose, like many other appointments contemplated some months ago, those of the Earl and his Secretary will be allowed to stand over.

Lord Brudenell, one of the Majors allowed, on pretence of economy, to exchange an active Majority for an unattached Lieutenant-Coloneley, was lately appointed to the command of the 15th Hussars. Lord Trudenell has not been ten years in the service.-Correspondent of the Times.

Another correspondent mentions the corresponding case of Lord Bingham, who was gazetted to the 5th Foot as Ensign in November 1818, and appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the 17th Hussars November 9th 1826!

A simple citizen of Dunkeld, on being solicited by one of the friends of the General for his prospective vote, pithily replied, "If Sir George Murray had got his will, I would never have had a vote to give him ! " -Perth Advertiser.

Mr. Young, on retiring from the stage, presented to his friend Cooper, of Drury Lane, almost the whole of his varied and costly theatrical wardrobe.