30 JUNE 1849, Page 12


, In the House of Linde, yesterday evening, a diaonsaleil on the ceasiell of Vanctaivitas island to the HutIstaas Bay'Coraparty took place, on 'the, nm- tion that the Aaministhaticin of Justice (Vapcoaverai Island) Bill be read a secona time. Enrl.Giinr ,e,mplaine..i, that Under the existhig law all se- tinns offences cominitinial thalslortbawestern. coast of America Must be tried in the courts of Canada: the present hill proposed to repeal that lair so far 84 it regarded laanconaier's Island, and- to establish local courts: foi the administration of justice. Lord Grey took the opportunity of defend- ing-the arrangements by which the island has been ceded. NO political power is given. up tot the Company. The Company is chargeable with the expenses of governtncht, settlement, and ordinary defence of the island; is bontid to sell lands on reasonabliatemss, and to devote the proceeds, except a small perdentage, t&oolonizatioti..- lithe islauri were not speedily set: tied, it would' soonbe oaerrna by irregular npuitterst its settlement would 9eeion e?.CPPW al?--that. if_ it were accemplished at all; it mustabestecoma plithed lay same public compapy or private: individnals: private indivi- duals have not sufficient funds, but the IfiadismasaBata-Compauy has. Lor4 trrotwasouc inaistiod:that the cession wiiald nafittiately be regretted Os introit as that of *ince Edward Island; that the Company's charter had been pronounced by Sir A. Part, Mr. Brougham,, and Mr. Spankie, to be invalid, and would now receive its'fitst unconsideied legislative sanction 10 the present bill; that a funtrading cempany is not qualified...to be a colo- nizing cemannY; arid that, nerninally_tximplyaug with the.contlitionsi it-would exchieleyettlers by the trading,mottopoly whicitit onnsenforce. On the *the* siileathgaal of Si‘LICIBH arguedifor the validity of the charter, and eon,. eudeat him the.31tidsen's Bay' Company hid not. Calanized only -became its earlier settlements are founded in inhospitable regions. Lord Baotaattan maintained the legal Opinion against the yaliaity of the charter. The garl aartantanwn applauded the enangemenfivith the Companya the settle- ment of Vancouver's Island having been: the only .snbjeot that matasioired him, when in office, any anxiety for the preseevation of peade. The Duke of litlicmanacti expressed similar eentimetitaa .Loatl Witamvoiaaaa sup-

ported Lord blonteagle's view of the arrangement. The bill was read a _ second tune.- •


The•Houee of Commons spentanany hours in Committee on the Irish Poor-relief Bill; discussing a shoal of iniandments. About one O'clock this-morning, the Chairman reported progress; the Committee to sit again at noon. . _ • - - -. a •

In the early peat of the evening, Visconnt.hlanoti asked for information respecting the reaumption -of diplomatic intercourse with Spain. Viscount Patmansrox-stated, diRt iii`October last, the British Government received information from the King of the Belgians that the Spanish Government had shown a dispotitio'n to solicitahia.good;e1fletra iwordelato- it'reconeilia- tion with this country: . various commtmicatione, chiefly -verbal, had Ileased, but without result. If the Spanish Government had modified its tariff, it was as a tardy concession to the substantial:interests of- Spain, and not as a • favour to England; nor on account of the amended tariff would it hisatene the British Government to show less regard for the-honour and dignity of this country.