30 JUNE 1855, Page 2

Ert1ntr5 nn i[ Troutilingo in Varlinnunt.


Hovas OP Lonna. Monday, June 25. Stamp-Duties on Matriculation and De- grees (Oxford) Repeal Bill read a third time and passed—Charitable Trusts (1855) Bill read a third time and passed—Public Libraries and Museums (Ireland); Mr. Bwart's Bill read a third time and passed. Tuesday. June 26. Royal Assent to the Consolidated Fund (10,000,0001.) Bill, the Education of Poor Children Bill, the Ecclesiastical Courts Bill, the Public Li- braries and Museums (Ireland) SRI, &c.—Friendly Societies Bill committed—Posi- tion of Austria ; Lord Lyndhurst's Speech, and Lord Clarendon's Statement. Thursday, June 28. Army Barracks and Recruiting; Lord Panmure's Statement —Assizes and Sessions; the Lord Chancellor's Bill committed—Militia (No. 2) Bill read a third time and passed—Accidents on Railways ; Lord Stanley of Alderley's Bill committed.

Friday, Jane 29. Lord Raglan's Resignation contradicted by Lord Panmure- Spirits Act Amendment (Ireland) Bill reported.

nom OF Coismoxs. Monday, June 2.5. Mango Massacre; Captain Duncombe's 'Question—Public Business: Lord Palmerston's Statement—Victoria Government Bill committed—New South Wales Government Bill committed—Waste Lands (Australia) Bill committei—Burial:grounds (Scotland) Bill read a third time and passed—Indemnity Bill read a second time—Court of Session (Scotland) Bill. Jurors and Juries (Ireland) Bill, Jurors and Juries (Ireland No. 2) Bill, and Grand Jury Assesaments (Ireland) Bill, withdrawn—Education; Sir J. Pakington's Bill, debate further postponed.

Tuesday, June N. Metropolis Local Management; Sir B. Hall's Bill in Com- mittee—Expedition to Kertch; Mr. Gibson's Question—Sunday Trading; Mr. Ot- way's Question—Baron de Rothschild's Seat ; Mr. Duncouthe's Motion—Sunday Beer Bin; Mr. H. Berkeley's Motion—Income-tax Franchise ; Major Reed's Bill, leave given—Stage-Carriage Duties ; General Wyndham's Motion—Bleaching, &c. Works .Bill read a first time.

Wednesday, June 27. Parish Organization; Lord Blandford's Bill withdrawn- Maynooth ; the adjourned debate again adjourned—Youthful Offenders (No. 2) pm read a third time and passed. Thursday, June 28. Metropolis Local Management; Sir B. Hall's Bill com- mitted—Tenants' Improvements Compensation (Ireland) Bill in Committee—Ex- Mse-Guties Bill read a second time—Indemnity Bill committed. Friday, June 29. Lord Raglan's Health—The Austrian Army; Lord Palmerston's Statement—Governor-General of India; Mr. Caylg's Question—Lord Dundonald's Scheme ; Sir C. Wood's Statement—Civil Service Examinations; Mr. Milnes's Question—Victoria Government Bill read a third time and passed—New South Wales Government Bill read a third time and passed—Waste Lands (Australia) Bill read a third time and passed—Partnership Amendment; Mr. Bouverie's Bill read a second time—Limited Liability; Mr. Bouverie's Bill read a second time— Indemnity Bill read a third time and passed—Endowed Schools (Ireland) Bill read a second time.


The Lords. The Commons.

Hour of Hour of Hour of Hour of Meeong. Adjournment, Meeting. Adjournment.

Monday 413 , 65 30m Monday 45 . (es) 1550w Tuesday 25 9h 20m Tuesday linen.... th Om

Oh '('n) lh 16m

Wednesday.... ...... No sitting. Wednesday Noon 51158m

Thursday 6h .. tih Om Thursday Noes.... 35 60m Oh ,(m) 1530m

Friday A .... 5h 30m Friday 4h .(0.) 2h 15m Bittingsthis Week, 4; Time. 811 20m — 0141I 00PM% !iiii "'' 1715 An,

Sittings title Week, 7; Time.SSh 18121

— this Session, lee; — 7845 45m THE Posmtus o AIISTRLL.

Lord LYNDHURST, on Tuesday, Made a great speech in the House of Peers, on the position Of Austria in relation to the Allied Powers. The subject, he admitted, is a delicate one ; but as he intended to confine himself to a mere statement of facts., he thought no inconvenience could arise from the discussion. In carrying out this intention, he reviewed the different steps of the diplomatic proceedings since the commencement of the war.

" Those persons who are acquainted with the state of affairs in the East must be aware that both Prussia and Austria, and more particularly Austria, have a deeper and more immediate interest in the results of the aggression of Russia than either of the Western Powers ; and, my Lords, there can be little doubt that, had those two Powers acted in concurrence with the West- ern Powers with activity, energy, and decision, in the early period of these disputes, the effect would have been to restrain the proceedings of Russia, Iand this country would not have been involved in this unhappy war. I confess, my Lords, that, as far as relates to Prussia, I have no confidence that any act of cooperation with us will take place on her part. I know well the history of the last war between Turkey and Russia, and I observed her subserviency to Russia ; so great, indeed, was it that she could scarcely be called an independent power. But with respect to Austria I entertained different expectations. She being a great military power, presided over by a young and spirited monarch, deeply impressed with the injustise of the proceeding of Russia, and fully convinced of the great interests she has at stake in this contest, / was led to hope that some symptoms of active coope- ration might have been displaced in that quarter. However, it appears that cautious and timid counsels have prevailed ; and I regret to say that I con- sider the inactive position of Austria in these proceedings as partaking in some degree of a state of humiliation. "I have asked myself several times to what ate we to attribute this inac- tion on the part of Austria? I ascribe it, as believe every man must do who looks at the state of Europe, to her peculiar position; and I trace that position to one of the most lamentable events, one of the greatest political crimes in modern times : I refer to the partition of Poland, to the aucceesive partitions of Poland, I should say-in which ARIILTia was unfortunately an accessory, and in the spells of which she participated. What, my Lords, has been the result of that transaction ? Three-fourths of the extensive territory of Poland, with its numerous population has been incorporated in the Rus- sian empire,' and her last acquisition, that of the Duchy of Warsaw, has- pushed her forward in an advanced position in Europe, pressing upon 'Cen- tral Germany, and dividing the dominions of Poland from those of Austria. She hair pursued her ordinary course of policy with regard to this territory, namely, by constructing in this advanced position a series of the most for- midable fortresses along the banks of the Vistula, and also a second line of fortresses, not for the object of defence only, but with the view of availing herself of the first favourable opportunity of continuing her aggressions in that direction."

This position of Russia is a standing menace to Germany, but parti- cularly to Austria ; and although she would have inourred great risks in acting against Russia, yet she can never have a better opportunity of vindicating her rights and interests than now. Starting from this point, and admitting that Austria had, by the disposition of her army, detained a large body of Russian troops in Poland, and had given a straightfor- ward moral support to the Allies, Lord Lyndhurst reviewed her pro- ceedings,-tbe occupation of the Principalities only after the Russians had notified that they would retire, and in fact had retired, beyond the Pruth ; her subsequent conduct in spinning innumerable notes, and weaving complications compared with which our Court of Chancery in its worst state was a model of simplicity; and the signature of the Treaty of December 2, imposing distinct obligations on the Allies, but only vague, indefinite, and almost unintelligible obligations on herself. Here Lord Lyndhurst was at some pains to show that the stipulations of the treaty of December 2, vague as they were, bound Austria, on the failure to obtain a peace on "the four points," to take active measures in con- cert with the Allies to give effect to the alliance. After the treaty of Deceml er 2 came the Conferences. Here it was admitted by Count Buol that Russia refused reasonable and proper modes of accommodation offered by the Allies, and brought forward only unsatisfactory proposi- tions herself. That being so, Austria would seem to have been bound to take active measures. But those who come to this conclusion are not aware of the resources of German diplomacy and German negotiation. Austria made another proposal, which she considered satisfactory both to Russia and the Allies. It has been said that Count Buol, know ing the Allies could not accede to this proposal, offered it as a pretext for sliding out of the obligations of the treaty of December 2. Lord Lyndhurst made no such charge ; but the position of things is very extraordinary. "Is the treaty of December 2 binding on Austria, or not ? We have for two years been going on hand in hand with Austria, consulting her on all occasions, yielding to her advice and counsels, and hoping that the time would arrive when she would take active measures in cooperation with the Allies. We have from time to time been disappointed ; and now, in this. last stage, we appear to be left by her to our own energies and our own re- sources. There is a popular story among sailors of a mariner who saw what he considered a friendly flag in the distance ; he altered his course and steered towards it, when all at once the strange ship disappeared and showed herself in another quarter of the horizon ; the mariner then shifted his course and pursued the vessel, until she finally disappeared, leaving the mariner in an unknown sea, surrounded with rocks and quicksands, to his own energies and resources. I will not mention the name given to this strange vessel, as it Might be considered personally offensive ; but such has been the way in which Austria appears to have acted towards the Allies. I believe that Austria has a secret understanding with Russia ; that in pur- suance of it she has withdrawn her forces from the frontiers of Galicia and other places, and that those two Powers have come substantially to a neu- ttality treaty." Commenting further on the Conferences, he paid an equivocal compli- ment to the skill and dexterity which Lard John Russell displayed in ex- tricating himself from situations of difficulty; and showed that Russia alone had gained any advantage in the negotiations by securing the two German points, and by promising the German Powers that she would ad- here to those concessions if they would remain quiet. Thus the lesser German Powers ceased to make any preparations to assist Austria, and Austria never considered herself safe in taking up arms apart from the lesser Powers. Russia had thus gained advantages beyond price ; and in the subsequent negotiations there was an air of triumph visible through., out on her part. In Lord Lyndhurst's opinion, none of the proposals were worth anything at all. "Now, my 'Lords, what is the policy which I recommend Bersevere. If you do not persevere, you will not only fail,to ebtain the 91kipta for which the war was undertaken, but you will disgrace yourselves i.11 lIiq fps Of the world. Character IS power. If the terms proposed at Vienna had been accepted, Russia would have ascended in the scale of power. She would have been regarded by Eastern nations as irresistible. No one would have dared to oppose her will. If you turn to the West, the influence she would have acquired in Germany would have increased a thousandfold. The chains .of the leaser German States would have been riveted yet mere firmly, and a severe blow would have been struck at the progress of civilization. I rejoice, therefore, my Lords, that the terms proposed were not acceded to." He looked forward to the razing of Sebastopol, as an act of retributive justice, and the removal of that standing menace to Turkey. Not dis-

heartened by the misfortunes of the last campaign—which he attributed to the misconduct of the war on the part of the late Government, to the absolute rashness of their policy in laying siege to one of the strongest fortresses of Russia at an advanced period of the year—and fully aware of the arduous character of the struggle, he yet felt confident of the issue. In the course of his remarks Lord Lyndhurst expressed astonishment at the course taken by the four respected gentlemen who have left the Cabinet, who had never dissented from Lord Aberdeen's doctrine that no peace would be satisfactory that did not secure the independence and integrity of Turkey. "No man can admire more than I do the extraordinary eloquence of the right honourable gentleman the Member for the University of Oxford, the great administrative talents of the right honourable Baronet lately at the head of the Admiralty, and the respectable talents of the other two gentle- men who retired with them. But I must say that I do not regret—on the contrary, I rejoioe—that they have retired from the Cabinet. With all their talents, they do not appear to me to possess that manly character, that vi- gour of mind, and that fixity of purpose, which are essential to a Cabinet Minister at a period like the present; though in a time of calm and peace nothing could be more ornamental or useful than their services." In conclusion, he lectured the Ministers who spread themselves through the country last autumn, following their own pleasures, when every one should have been at his post in London. He warned Lord Palmerston, that those who rest on popular favour rest on unstable ground; and that nothing but the greatest vigour, extraordinary decision, and the most unceasing activity, can maintain him in his position.

The Earl of CLSRENDON declined to follow Lord Lyndhurst into the deviations from the intention expressed in his notice, and promised to

adopt a different course. But before he entered on his statement respect- ing the position of Austria, he said he was not aware that any practical utility could result from the censure passed on the proceedings of Austria. The course taken in this country, both in and out of Parliament, has made us many enemies in Germany ; and whereas the warm sympathies of the Germans were with us at the outset of the war, the tone adopted in this country towards Germany has engendered against us a feeling of active resentment. Having made this preface, and declaring that he would not go beyond the strict line of duty, Lord Clarendon offered some explanations on our relations with Austria.

"I perfectly agree with my noble friend that Austria would have better consulted her dignity and interest, in reference both to Russia and Germany, if she had from the first adopted a firmer tone with regard to the conduct of Russia. If she had taken a bolder course, I believe with my noble friend, that she would have greatly promoted, nay almost seeured, the restoration of peace. But, my Lords, Austria is a great and independent power ; and although we may lament that her views and policy have not been identical with our own, we have no right to coerce her. She is guided by her own interests, and we have no means of inducing her to do that which she thinks

opposed to her interest." But had we neglected to secure the alliance of Austria, or had we driven her into the opposite scale' or forced her to adopt

neutrality, we should have made an unpardonable blunder. "I think we

were bound to show great deference to Austria, and to be mindful of her situation ; and I can really see nothing to repent of or to regret in our pro-

ceedings with respect to Austria. In no way and at no time have our com- munications with Austria influenced or interrupted our military operations. We certainly thought that the negotiations at Vienna would either lead to the restoration of peace or secure for us the active cooperation of Austria. We looked upon the alliance of Austria as an advantageous contingency, but as nothing upon which we could count, or for which we ought to wait ; and so determined were the Government that there should be no misconception on this subject, that the Duke of Newcastle, long before the negotiations began, having ascertained that the French Government would take the same course, wrote a long letter to Lord Raglan—I believe in the first week of

January—to say. that he was not to count upon the probability of any alli- ance with Austria ; but that, on the contrary, her Majesty's Government

believed that negotiations would be accelerated rather than retarded by a vigorous prosecution of the war, and that they believed nothing would more tend than great military successes on the part of the Allies to the conclusion of an honourable peace. And, my Lords, I believe that if while these nego- tions were pending Sebastopol had fallen, we should have either secured peace with Russia or obtained the active cooperation of Austria." But it would be erroneous to doubt the sincerity of Austria. "From the first Austria identified her interests with these of France and England in what is called the Eastern question. She took precisely the same view as they did of the aggressive acts and intentions of Russia; she agreed en- tirely with them in the necessity of putting a check upon her aggressive power ; and although just before the commencement of the war she had, from urgent motives of economy,' reduced her army by 90,000 men, she has since the war commenced expended site millions sterling in recruiting and strengthening that army, in placing it on a war footing, and in erecting great barriers against the apprehended invasion by Russia on the Polish frontiers. Those sixteen millions furnish, perhaps, the beat argument I could use if I were intending to prove the sincerity of Austria ; because if it had been the object of that Power to deceive us, she might have made the experiment at a much less cost. I may also state, that Austria never re- quired any impulse from France or England in her proceedings and in the engagements that she took ; on the contrary, it was she who volunteered, saying that she wished to contract a closer alliance with England and France. It was she also who proposed the treaty of the 2d of December ; which my noble and learned friend has criticized in terms the justice of which I cannot quite admit, because the position of Austria was essentially different at that time from that of England and France. England and France were then active belligerents, while Austria was only a contingent belligerent : but she contem-

plated being at war with Russia' and it was stipulated accordingly—France and England agreeing—that if she did go to war with Russia there should then be

an offensive and defensive alliance between the three Powers. She also stipu- lated, that if peace were not to be established on certain bases by a certain day, then the treaty and her engagements with the Western Powers should come into force. The 1st of January was actually fixed by Austria herself;

and when the conferences began Count Buol did make that very unequivocal declaration to which my noble and learned friend alluded,—namely, that, having entered into certain engagements with her Allies, Austria was de- termined, whatever might be the consequences, to carry out those arrange-

scents. Therefore, my Lords, if Austria was by this time intending to de- ceive us, I must say she was attempting to do so in • very clumsy and ill- advised manner, because the only result of what she did would be to bring into view her own bad faith with England and France, and her only object would be to retard or cripple their military operations. That, however, she did not do, and never attempted to do. On the contrary, any military suc- cesses we gained were received with expressions of the liveliest satisfaction at Vienna; and your Lordships will well remember the telegraphic despatch from the Emperor of Austria to the Emperor of the French and the Queen of England, congratulating them on a great event in our military operations in the Crimea, and desiring to associate herself with them in that great result."

With regard to the proposal brought forward at the closing of the Confer- ences, Lord Clarendon said that Count Buol knew from his previous commu- nications with the Cabinets of France and England that it would be rejected ;

and he expressed his opinion that it was simply brought forward because Count Buol was pledged to bring forward something. "The Conferences be-

ing thus at an end, we did say to Austria that we thought the time was now come for her to fulfil the engagements she had entered into. Her answer to this in substance was, that, although Russia did not agree to the proposal made to her with regard to the third basis, there were ether means of giving effect to that basis,—that, for example, there was the system of counter- poise ; that there was the opening of the Straits when the Sultan thought himself in danger; that there was a tripartite treaty to secure the independ- ence of Turkey, by which arrangement the preponderance of Russia would be put an end to, and all anxiety for the maintenance of the Ottoman empire would cease ; and that consequently, as thine terms had been rejected by the Western Powers, Austria did not think herself bound to join them in taking an active part in the war. My Lords,.I need hardly say that that is not our view of the engagements which were entered into by Austria, or of the fulfilment of the treaty." But we ought in justice to consider the motives that indneed Austria to adopt a decision of which we not unnaturally complain. When Austria en- tered into these successive engagements with France and England, she ex- pected and intended war; but she also expected that the Allied armies would have obtained decisive victories in the Crimea. That was not the case; and had she declared war at our invitation, she would have had to wage it single- handed. She could not reckon on even the neutrality of Prussia, nor the good-will of Germany ; and her finances tend to prevent her from occupying the situation she is entitled to as a first-rate military power. "My noble friend has asked me what is our real position with reference to Austria ? And I will proceed to answer that inquiry. Austria has an- nounced to us that she will continue to occupy the Principalities, by virtue of the treaty with Turkey, until peace shall be concluded. To that an- nouncement I can offer no objection, because the occupation of the Princi- palitiea by Austrian troops prevents Austria from assuming a position of neu-

trality. The occupation by a state of the territory of one belligerent as against another, is not an act of neutrality, ; but, on the contrary, Austria,

by her occupation of the Principalities, has committed an act of hostility against Russia, which would justify Russia in declaring war against her. I repeat, that as long as Austria occupies the Principalities in virtue of her treaty with Turkey, she cannot be considered a neutral power. We must also bear in mind, that if Austria were not to observe the treaty into which she has entered with Turkey, but were to evacuate the Principalities, there would be no security against the return of the Russians, and it would there- fore be impossible to obtain the aid of the army of Omar Pasha in the cam- paign in the Crimea. On the other hand, we have announced—I am still answering the inquiry of my noble and learned friend—that as the four bases were to be maintained in their entirety, and that as the third basis has been rejected, and the responsibility of breaking up the negotiations at Vi- enna does not rest upon us but upon Russia, we consider ourselves entirely

disengaged from those bases. (Cheers.) At any future negotiation, there is not the least doubt that the question of those four bases must be discussed ; but England and France have reserved to themselves the right of entering into any such negotiations perfectly free and unfettered, and of agreeing to peace upon such conditions as they may consider most advantageous to themselves, and which the events of the war may justify them in de- manding."

The Earl of ELLENBOROUGH justified the caution of Austria ; and cen- sured the late Government for declining to accept the proffered military

aid of Austria, and starting off instead upon an expedition to the Crimea. But while he commended the caution of Austria, what excuse could he offer if it were true that Austria had reduced her force.? "My Lords, I care little about her diplomacy, but I attach great importance to her military position. If Austria should have really determined to make a large dimi- nution in her army, that is indeed an event of the greatest possible signifi- cance. It indicates an entire change in her purposes and in her policy. I see that already 24,000 of the Russian Grenadiers, who were but lately re- tained on the frontiers of Gallicia by the menacing presence of the Austrian troops, have marched towards, if they have not by this time entered, the Crimea. It is not merely because of its erect upon us in our war with Russia—it is because of its effect upon her own position among the great States of Europe, that I deprecate and deplore this measure, if it has actually been adopted by Austria. She is placing herself upon a level with Prussia ; she is reducing herself from the rank and influence, which she ought to possess as the first German Power ; she is depriving herself of the means of protecting Turkey by the instrumentality of negotiation."

Under this change of circumstances, not to be regarded without appre- hension, it is the duty of the Government to consider in what way our military resources can be increased, without loss of time.


On Thursday, with reference to the new barracks contemplated, the Duke of Ricamorrn called attention to the defective nature of barrack accommodation. His main objections were to the want of decent pro- vision for soldiers' wives, who are compelled to sleep in the same galleries with numbers of unmarried soldiers ; and to the want of day-rooms, as well as dormitories. He also inquired whether the recruiting service is going on in a satisfactory manner?

Lord PANMURK looked with satisfaction on the tendency of public opinion and public acts to improve the condition of the soldier. Much, however, remains to be done. Without day-rooms, barracks cannot be made comfortable to the soldier ; and it is neither wholesome nor be- coming that equipments should be kept and all cooking done in the sleep- ing-rooms. It is absolutely necessary also, that if women are admitted into barracks, separate accommodation should be provided. But they might be dispensed with altogether ; it would be better if there were no married privates at all. With regard to recruiting, he made an interest- ing statement.

"It is impossible to deny that the establishment of the Army is far below that which was voted by the House of Commons. I do not attribute this to the fact of a great number of men not having entered the British Army, be- cause we are at the present moment recruiting very nearly at the rate of a thousand per week : but there never has been a sufficient number enlisted to bring up the number to that which was voted by Parliament; and although we are gaining ground, yet we are, on the other hand, losing by the con- sumption at the seat oi war. It occurred to her Majesty's Government, that

the difficulty might be got rid of by an increase of the bounty ; but on con-

sultation with the noble Lord at the head of the Army, and with those who Lave had considerable experience in this matter, we have been dissuaded frees taking that step. We propose, therefore, to try another mode, which, though entirely novel in the British Army, is one for which we anticipate considerable success. The plan is this: that to all soldiers who shall be en-

gaged in the field of action before the enemy—and this will of course apply at once to the army in the Crimea—double pay shall be given. I propose that a shilling a day shall be added to the pay of all men who are now before the enemy, and that this addition shall take place from the day when they landed in the Crimea. I do not propose that this addi- tion shall go immediately into the pockets of the soldier. I am one of those who think that if the expenses which are put upon soldiers by some com- manding-officers and others who take arbitrary views on these points were more carefully watched, the pay of a soldier would be amply sufficient for all his necessities in time of war. I propose, therefore, that this additional pay shall be invested in the savings-bank in the country. If the soldier survives and returns to this country, it will accumulate into a fund which he will receive on his discharge ; if he is pensioned, he will have it in addi- tion to his pension ; and if he falls, it will be given to his representatives. This plan I intend to make public in a few days, by means of a proclama- tion; and I trust that by adopting this plan, instead of increasing the bounty, I shall not only be taking the most adequate means of rewarding those who are already fighting the battles of their country abroad, but that I shall be enabled more economically to tempt the youth of this country to prefer the Army as a profession, and to enter into it at a time when I have no hesitation in saying their services are most urgently required."


In the House of Commons on Monday, Lord PALMERSTON, fulfilling a promise he made on Friday, stated the intentions of the Government with regard to the various bills before the House. The great proportion of bills to be disposed of were the offspring of private Members, Govern- ment being responsible for a comparatively small proportion of the whole. Independently of Continuance Bills, and bills sent down from the Lords, there were thirty-three Government measures before the House. The mea- sure; among others, that the Government will endeavour to pass, are the Limited Liability and Partnership Bills, the Local Management Metropolis Bill, and the Ordnance Board Bill. Those which the Government will not press are the Jurors and Juries (Ireland) Bills, the Grand Jury Assessments (Ireland) Bill, and the Testamentary Jurisdiction Bill. It is understood in the Upper House that the last-named bill should be coupled with a bill on Church Discipline; but as it is hopeless to suppose that the two bills would receive sufficient discussion to justify their being passed into law, especially as the Church Discipline Bill has not been introduced, those bills will not be proceeded with. (Cheers from the Opposition.) Another measure which the Government will not press, is the Court of Session (Scotland) BilL There are seven bills from the House of Lords, which he hoped the House of Com- mons would seriously consider and dispose of. Then there are thirty-five bills of private Members ; among which is one—the Tenants' Improvements Compensation (Ireland) Bill, which he hoped would pass with such amend- ments as may be suggested.

At the close of his statement, Lord Palmerston *said that Government could not yield to the application of private Members for Government days, and their bills must proceed in the ordinary course.

kr. DISRAELI had recourse to a tabular statement to show that private Members have not caused a pressure of business, and that he had not been unreasonable in asking for a statement of the intentions of Govern- ment.

"Of bills not yet read a second time, there were twenty-eight Government bills and seventeen bills of private Members ; of bills in Committee there were twenty-two Government bills and twelve bills of private Members ; of bills as amended, to be considered, there were four bills of private Members, and no Government bills ; of bills not yet read a second time there were three on each side. There were, therefore, fifty-three Government bills upon the paper; while there were only thirty-six bills of private Members ; making in all eighty-nine bills for the House to discuss. Since he had called attention to this subject, there were more orders of the day put down ; so that., instead of seventy-aix, there were now eighty-nine, to which must be added the two adjourned debates now upon the paper. If the noble Lord deducted the Continuance Bills, that would not give a majority to the la. hours of private Members."


In Committee on the Victoria Government Bill, Mr. ADDERLEY moved that clause 3 be omitted. This clause preserves the provisions of former acts respecting the giving and withholding of her Majesty's assent to bills passed by the Colonial Legislature. At present a Governor has the power of vetoing a bill, assenting to it, or reserving it for her Majesty's assent. Mr. Adderley considered it a grievance that a bill to which a Governor has assented should be liable to be vetoed by the Crown ; and he proposed that the assent of a Governor should be final, but that if he withheld his assent the bill should not be law unless the Crown assented to it within eighteen months'after it had passed. He claimed, on the part of the colonists, that the clause should be expunged from the bill. Lord Ions RUSSELL objected, that Mr. Adderley's proposition would take away all distinction between local and Imperial subjects ; that Governors might be induced, by popular opinion, if they had the power, to sanction acts injurious to the interests of this country,—for instance, it might be pro- posed to place her Majesty's forces in the colony under local authority ; a course which would be very inconvenient. He did not place such confi- dence in the Governors of colonies as to intrust them with the power proposed. Sir dome Pexproxos supported these views; while Mr. Lows and Mr. Wil.mases supported Mr. Adderley's. On a division, the motion to reject the clause was negatived by 110 to 38, and the clause was agreed to. On clause 4, Mr. MALL moved the omission of words which rendered it necessary that any alteration in the clauses or schedules of the reserved bill should have the assent of an "absolute majority of both Houses." His object was to facilitate the means of dealing with the grants for reli- gious purposes. Amendment negatived by 65 to 40.

In considering the schedules annexed to the bill, Mr. MIALL moved that the vote of 60,0001. for public worship should be expunged from the item of 112,7501. voted for the civil list ; contending that the colonists were opposed to the indiscriminate endowment of all religious denomina- tions, and that in voting this sum the Legislature had gone beyond its powers. Lord Joss Russstt said, that the people of Victoria had voted the sum of 60,000/. by great majorities, and it is the duty of Parliament to sanction it. Amendment negatived by 71 to 29. Mr. Lows con- tended, at some length, that the civil list in the bill had been obtained by fraud on the part of the Colonial Secretary, who told the Legislature that he spoke the sentiments of the Duke of Newcastle when he said that without the civil list the Home Government would send back the bill. Now that representation was false ; for the Duke of Newcastle had told him that he never wished for any civil list at all. When paragraph 61 of schedule 1 came under consideration,—enacting that no alteration shall be made in the constitution or the schedule except with the consent of an absolute majority,—Mr..Annsnisy moved that the words referring to the schedule should be left out, so that the civil list might be altered without the proposed restrictions. Negatived by 84 to 58.

The House having resumed, went again into Committee on the New South Wales Government Bill. There was less discussion, and only one division, on this bill. Mr. LOWE divided the Committee on the first pa- ragraph of the schedule relating to the appointment of a nominee Legis- lative Council, to which he strongly objected. The paragraph was carried by 173 to 36. On paragraph 15, Mr. Lows complained of the electoral divisions as unfair and unequaL Sydney contains 513,000 inhabitants, and returns three members ; it is proposed to add another member. Four re- mote pastoral districts, containing not more than 15,000 inhabitants, re- turn four members, and it is proposed to add fear more. Right repre- sentatives to a population of 16,000, and four to a population of 50,0001 But he did not think it worth while to move any amendment. The sche- dule was agreed to.


Some discussion took place on Monday respecting the propriety of pro- ceeding with the three Education Bills. Lord ROBERT CECIL complained that a day should be set apart for the adjourned debate on Sir John Pa- kington's Bill. Lord SnYaroun asked whether the Government meant that the House should agree to the principle of all the bills—the opposite principles of opposite bills ? and recommended Lord Palmerston to take them off the paper. Mr. HENLEY also thought the House ought not to be pledged to the contradictory principles of these bills ; and promised, if they were persevered with, a debate of no inconsiderable length on each bill. Mr. HADFIELD wished to know whether he might move that the order be discharged ? Later in the evening, the order of the day was read for the adjourned debate on Sir John Pakington's measure. Sir Join. wished to fix Monday for the resumption of the debate ; promising that he would then state the course he intended to pursue with respect to it. Lord SEYMOUR moved that the debate be postponed to that day three months ; but, being op- posed by Lord Joss RUSSELL, Mr. LIDDELL and others, he withdrew his motion, on the understanding that he should' renew it on Monday.

Tha HANGO blasse.caz.

In reply to a question put by Captain DUNCOMBE on Monday, Sir CHARLES WOOD stated, that he had received a despatch from Admiral Dundas in the morning, giving the welcome intelligence that Brown was not the only survivor of the Hango massacre. Five seamen and the Finnish captain were killed by the fire of the Russians, four seamen and two Finns were wounded, and three officers, four seamen, and two Finns, were made prisoners without being wounded. "Admiral Dundas wrote a letter to the Governor of Helaingfors, stating what had occurred, and remonstrating most strongly against the atrocious act of firing on a boat's crew under a flag of truce. Admiral Dundas received an answer, n which the Governor of HeLsingfors excused and justified, to a certain extent, the act which had taken place; and declared that the offi- cers and soldiers said that they saw no flag of truce, and that they had been irritated by vessels hoisting Russian colours on some occasions, and that, as reported in the newspapers, English vessels had elsewhere, under the co- lour of a flag of truce, taken soundings. The House will recollect, that about a week ago I was asked whether I had any reason to believe that such was the case. The anew-Jr I then gave was, that, so far as any report had reached the Admiralty, no such transaction had taken place ; and this morning I had the satisfaction of seeing the officer who commanded the gun-boat in which the flag of truce was hoisted in the bay of Kertch, where the transaction was reported to have occurred. He assures me most distinctly and unequivocally that nothing of the kind Was done; that the carriage which was restored to the Russian officer was taken ashore by a Russian boat under the charge of a Russian officer, accompanied by one of the Viper's boats, under the eye of the Russian officer ; and that it was totally unnecessary that anything of the kind should have been done, as there was not the slightest difficulty in taking soundings on the spot in question by night or by day. There cannot, therefore, be the slightest doubt in the world that this story was totally and utterly destitute of foundation."


On Tuesday, in reply to Mr. Gissore, Lord PALMERSTON said that Lord Panmure will without delay call for a report touching the alleged out- rages at K.ertoh, from the officer commanding in the Sea of Azuff.


Mr. HENRY BERKELEY MOSTA for a Select Committee to inquire into the act of last session for further Regulating the Sale of Beer and other Liquors on the Lord's Day: The ground on which he claimed the ap- pointment of a Committee is the injustice done to the poor man by the act, while the rich man is untouched. To illustrate Dais, he described how the poor man, who went forth to enjoy the fresh air on Sunday, frequently found that he could obtain no dinner, because it was doubtful - whether he was a traveller, and how if he arrived in-London after a cer- tain hour he would have to go supperless to bed. On the other hand, the rich man—say a Stipendiary Magistrate—on returning from a Sim- day excursion to Richmond or Greenwich, found his club open at half- past eleven at night, and supped on devilled turkey washed down with whisky punch. Mr. Berkeley also cited a great number of amusing and conflicting magisterial decisions on the vexed question as to what is a "bond fide traveller," and produced figures to show that there has been more drunkenness on Sunday since the act passed than there was before. Mr. COBBE1T seconded the motion for inquiry ; adding another to Mr. Berkeley's instances of grievances endured by the poor. In the Northern counties, large numbers of persons attend funerals. Formerly they found shelter from the weather in public-houses, but now tavern-keepers are afraid to admit them. In one case a clergyman had requested a landlord to open his house during severe weather, that the mourners might get shelter and refreshment ; the man did so, and he was fined. The motion for inquiry met with general acquiescence. But Sir GEORGE GREY, Mr. WILSON Perms, and Mr. CHARLES VILLIERS, in- sisted, that in passing the bill there had been no intention of legislating against the poor ; and that, on the contrary, the bill had been earnestly demanded by the working classes; many of whom desired to see the pub- lic-houses entirely closed on Sunday. Mr. Villiers added, that the Corn- I mentary budget., the modification of the mileage-dui, would be entitled mittee over which he presided, although struck by the evidence in favour to a prominent place ; but it would involve a sacrifice of 60,0001. to carry

of closing public-houses on Sundays, also recommended that places of rational recreation, now closed by law, should be opened: but that re- commendation had not been followed.

Sir JOHN Waren, Mr. BRADY, and Mr. WILKINSON argued, that in attempting to legislate on this subject, and enforce morality by act of Parliament, the House bad gone beyond its proper functions. Mr. DUNCOMBE urged that inquiry, at this period of the session, will only mislead the public, and bring forth no practical result.

The motion agreed to.

The Sunday Trading Bill has also been the subject of remark. On Monday night, Mr. OTWAY wished to know whether Lord Palmerston in- tended to take any measures to induce the noble Lord the Member for Middlesex to withdraw the Sunday Trading Bill. (General cheering.) Lord PALMERSTON—" If my noble friend hears that cheer, I think he will be disposed to attend to it." (Cheers.) On Tuesday, Mr. OTWAY wished to know whether the Home Secretary sanctioned the bill ; and whether he would support or oppose its progress? Sir Gsencia GB.= replied, that ho did not intend to offer any opposi- tion to the bill ; but he would state his opinion on the proposed amend- ment in Committee.

Mr. 0.rwsv gave notice, that he should move on the order for the third reading, that the bill be read that day three months. Mr. ROBBUCK gave notice, that be should move in Committee that all the clubs of London should be included in the provisions of the bill. ("Hear, hear !" and laughter.) Sir GEORGE GREY said, it was not a government measure, nor were they responsible for it. Lord ROBERT Gaosverton supposed that Mr. Otway had put the ques- tion in consequence of what had, passed in Hyde Park last Sunday. (Cheers, and cries of " No ! ") The responsibility of the bill did not rest with him, but with the House ; and he did intend to press it.


The Marquis of BLANDPORD moved the second reading of the Forma- tion, &c. of Parishes Bill. The object of the measure is to remedy the confused and complex relations which have sprung up in the Church since the erection of district parishes, district and consolidated ehapelries, by the division of old parishes. At present there are 79 district parishes, 587 district chapelries, and 92 consolidated chapelries. The arrange- ments respecting them have grown up from time to time without system; and there exists, consequently, a great complexity with regard to the pa- tronage, the provision for the services, fees and rates. Lord Blandford proposes to remedy this state of things by promoting the independence of existing districts, giving increased facilities for the formation of districts, and providing means for the endowment of churches. He proposes to vest all the sites in the incumbents of the different churches as soon as they have assumed an independent character ; to give the Ecclesiastical Commissioners power to erect a district into an independent parish on application from the incumbent and churchwardens; to designate the in- cumbent "vicar" or "rector," according as the mother parish is a vicar- age or rectory ; to repeal the Church-Building Acts, and vest the pro- perty held under them in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and enable tile latter to subdivide parishes to any extent; find to vest the patronage in the person who built and adequately endowed the church, so as to dis- pense. with pew-rents as much as possible. Sir GEORGE GREY acknowledged that the subject is important and de- serving of grave consideration. It is now too late to make any progress ; and if it were earlier in the session, it would be necessary to send the bill before a Select Committee. He recommended Lord Blandford to be satisfied with having placed it before the House, to withdraw it now, and bring it on early next session, when it might be read a second time and then referred to a Select Committee.

After some discussion, Lord BLANDFORD accepted Sir George Grey's offer, and withdrew the bill.


- Major REED moved for leave to bring in a bill to confer the elective franchise upon persona, not being aliens, who are assessed to the Income- tax, but are not upon the register of electors for any part of Great Britain or Ireland.

Lord PALMERSTON said, it was late in the session to bring in a bill of this kind.; and, without being so discourteous as to offer opposition to the introduction_of thalill, he must say that it was not likely it would be adopted- At the.taane did not mean to imply that when an.ex- tension of the franchise is considered, " some extension of the suffrage in proportion to direct taxation, Might not be a fair subject of consideration." Major REED said, lie was extremely obliged to the noble Lord for the manner in which he hadliseented to the proposition. (Laughter.) Mr. DISRAELI, in timatnig that the printing of the bill would be a waste of money, and that the trisneuillity of the Parliame4Fy mind would be greatly disturbed during 40 recess by being obliged ter* and compre- hend it, said that the motion was valuable, inasmudi is it had obtained. from Lord Palmerston "-aSert of contingent view of what his notions are " with regard to Purlieu:lei:147 reform,"

Leave, given.


General Wirwnissie, complaining that the duties on stage-carriages di. minished the supply of horses for the Artillery arid Cavalry by, dis- mut:aging the breed of horses, *Ted that, "in the opinion of the House, the laws relating to tbs.assessment of duties on stage-carriages in Eng- land, Scotland, and Walea, should be immediately modified."

Sir Some Santa= ?seconded the motion. While stage-carriages are taxed fifteen railviarkaie only taxed from three and a half to five per

cent. At fifteen, the duty has been remitted, and the same course should be followed in London. Mr. BROTHERTON said that the remission had been attended with benefit Both to the public and the revenue. Lord ROBERT GROSVENOR pressed the Chancellor of the Exchequer for an ex- planation.

Sir GEORGE Lzwis said, he was not aware that the duty exercised a Prejudicial influence on the breed of horses. The duty is less than it was in 1815, and during the last war. Ile adinitted that the stage-carriage interest is subject to pressure; but he attributed that to the high price of forage, the increased price of horses, the competition of steamers and rail- ways. The London back cabs, competing with the omnibuses, have in- creased since 1848 from 2849 to 3720. If he were making a supple-

out the resolution.

Mr. Disaazu ridiculed the reasons given by the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer for the pressure on the stage-carriage interest; urged the ice- quality existing between the railway and the carriage interest; and main- tained that the motion was one of the most proper and justifiable ever brought before the House.

Sir GEORGE Lzwis explained, with regard to Manchester, that the in- dulgence had been granted by the Board of Inland Revenue because the competition there was exclusively with railways. Mr. WALPOLB said, this remark ought not to pass unnoticed : here was a general tax from which individuals have been exempted. Mr. Wrisoic said that the Board of Inland Revenue are empowered to remit duty in certain cases : simi- lar concessions have been made elsewhere. Pressed on all sides, Lord Paraasas•row said it must be admitted that the duty stood in a somewhat unsatisfactory condition because, whether rightly or wrongly, modifica- tions had been made which placed different places on different footings. Seeing, therefore, that the Government had the authority of the House— (Ironical cheers and laughter)—to take the matter into their consideration, with a view to the modification of the existing duties, he was not disposed to oppose the motion. (Renewed laughter.)

'I'he motion was then agreed to.


Mr. Tames Der:cosine has taken up a case of disqualification against Baron Lionel Rothschild, one of the Members for the City. On Monday he put a question to the Attorney-General. It appeared from a Parlia- mentary return that Baron Lionel Nathan de Rothschild had entered into a contract with the Government to negotiate a loan of 16,000,000/. for the public service. The 22d of George III, cap. 45, disqualifies all Go- vernment contractors as candidates, and disables them from sitting in Parliament should they be elected. Mr. Duncombe wished to know, therefore whether a new writ ought not to be issued for the City of London ; The ATTORNEY-GENERAL said that was a question not for him but the House. When it regularly came before them, he would state hi:opinion. If Mr. Duncombe wished to have an opinion for his own guidance the honourable gentleman knew where to find him. (Laughter.) Mr. DUNCOMBE gave notice, that he would endeavour to obtain the opinion of the Attorney-General without a fee, by moving on Tuesday that a new writ should be issued for the City of London, in the room of Baron Rothschild. Accordingly, on Tuesday night, Mr. Drarcoisns brought forward the motion ; citing in support thereof the terms of the act passed by the Rockingham Administration in 1782 with the avowed object of promoting the freedom and independence of Parliament. A proposition made at that time to exempt persons who contracted for loans was scouted by the House; and the only bill exempting any contractors was the 48th George III, cap. 1; wherein it is enacted that persons shall not lose their seats who contract with the Government for Exchequer Bills on behalf of the Bank of England. Although some persons entertain doubts, Mr. Dun- combo said he could not possibly feel any. Under these circumstances the House ought to order the issue of a new writ for the City of London. The Arroararr-GEarsair. said he was quite ready to give his opinion; but he thought it desirable, and more in accordance with precedent—for instance' the case of Mr. Daniel Whittle Harvey—to refer the matter to a Select Committee. Two circumstances should be considered : Baron Rothschild is precluded from doing justice to his own case in the House; and in the next place, although in almost every instance of contracts for Government loans, one or more Members have been concerned—for in- stance, Mr. Baring in 1847—yet no one has attempted to put the statute in force until now.

Mr. WALPOLE seconded the amendment; and considerable discussion arose. Sir FREDERICK. THPSIGER maintained that the facts of the case were all before the House and that there was nothing at all that required the consideration of a Select Committee. No lawyer can doubt for a moment that the seat of Baron Rothschild has become void. But it is not a lawyer's question. It would be extraordinary if, after sitting there night after night making laws they should not be able to construe the laws they had made. Lord Joust RUSSELL dissented from this view of the function of the House, and supported the motion for a Select Com- mittee. Mr. DISRAELI, the Soucirort-GENsitar.„ Mr. Baron; and Lord PALMERSTON, participated in recommending the same course; and Mr, Duric,ostns having withdrawn his motion, the amendment was agreed to,


The House of Commons was occupied the greater part of Thursday evening in Committee on the Tenants' Improvements Compensation (Ire- land) Bill. They had no sooner got into Committee, than Lord SET- moue, alleging that the bill could not be carried this SOSSi011, moved that the Chairman should report progress. Ministers opposed the motion, and it was negatived by 97 to 75. Proceeding to the clauses, so many amendments were proposed that no fewer than eight divisions took place; one on clause 5, the rest on clause 10. The latter clause provided for the recovery of compensation for improvements in cases Of eviction. Mr. Manual moved the insertion of the Words—" except for the non-pay- ment of rent." It was strenuously argued by Mr. Sergeant Sass and others, that the insertion of those words would obstruct improvements, because tenants would feel that, if they improved their holdings and af- terwards got into difficulties, the value of their improvements would be lost. Mr. NAPIER, Mr. Gronor., and others, supported the Government; and the amendment was carried by 112 to 49. Two attempts were made to modify the amendment ; but they were rejected by large majorities. Mr. GEortox then proposed, that after the words "except for non-pay- ment of rent," the words "or other breach of covenant" should be added; and carried his amendment, against the Government, by 123 to 117. Mr. ISAAC Burr moved that the period for bringing an action after eviction should be limited to "one" month. This was negatived by 181 to 52; and the words "three months" were inserted in the clause. The clause as a whole was carried by 127 to 90; and the Chairman reported progress. THE MAYNOOTH DEBATE.

A good slice of Wednesday afternoon was occupied by four speakers in continuation of the adjourned debate on Mr. Spooner's Maynooth motion: Mr. Manillas and Mr. P. O'Bairze upholding the grant, Captain STUART an Mr. &Atmore seeking its destruction. The approach of six o'clock alone terminated the dull proceedings.


In the llouse of Lords, on Tuesday, Lord STANLEY of Ablerley ob- tained a second reading of the Accidents on Railways Bill. The main provisions of this bill are, that railway companies shall, under penalties, establish a means of communication between the driver and the guard ; that a bridge shall be carried over, or a tunnel constructed under, every line at present crossing roads on a level ; and that railway companies shall be liable for all misfeasance on the part of their servants.

On the same evening, in the House of Commons, leave was given to bring in three new bills : to Mr. hese Burr, a bill to regulate the em- ployment of females under eighteen in bleaching-works; to Mr. J. D. FITZGERALD, a bill to facilitate inquiries of Commissioners of Endowed Schools in Ireland, and also a bill to consolidate and amend the laws of bankruptcy and insolvency in Ireland. Thursday brought two more : Mr. Reuses brought in a Burial of Poor Persons Bill ; and Mr. WILSON a West Indies Relief Loans Arrangement Bill.